Chapter 5

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The journey home was enveloped in an unsettling silence; neither Felix nor Elena exchanged words or even a fleeting glance. The only audible sound was the music, a feeble attempt to dispel the oppressive quiet that hung in the air. The car's interior echoed with an unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the rhythm of the music attempting to fill the void.

As they pulled into the driveway, the clock displayed the unforgiving passage of time—it was already 7 pm. Breaking the silence, Felix instructed Elena, "Go inside, have something to eat, and go to sleep." His words were a curt directive, concealing the weight of responsibilities he carried as both guardian and harbinger of darkness.

Rushing out of the car, Felix found himself caught in a momentary trance as a man walked by. His mouth watered instinctively, a visceral reaction to the alluring scent that hung in the air. It was a reminder of the perpetual struggle he faced—the delicate equilibrium between the human urges he concealed and the predatory instincts that lurked beneath the surface. The night held its secrets, and Felix, with a sense of urgency, disappeared into the shadows, leaving the mundane facade of domesticity behind.

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