Chapter 2

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Without a witness in sight, he swiftly vanished into the shadows, leaving no trace behind except for the haunting silhouette of his retreating form. The eerie sound of beeping filled the air, signaling an abrupt shift in his focus. Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep! Urgency propelled him towards the sanctuary of the bathroom, where he sought refuge from the consequences of his nocturnal activities.

His brown hair hung over his face, concealing the storm within his grey eyes. In that moment, he was Felix, a seemingly ordinary 17-year-old boy attending New Orleans High by day. A facade of sweetness adorned his daytime persona, a mask meticulously crafted to navigate the complexities of human existence.

But when the moon ascended, casting its ethereal glow upon the world, Felix underwent a transformation. Beneath the veneer of innocence, he harbored the dark secret of his vampiric nature. The moonlight revealed the dangerous truth that lurked within him, the dichotomy of a teenager leading a double life, teetering on the edge of humanity and the supernatural.

As he stood in the bathroom, caught between the remnants of his recent sinister act and the impending dawn, Felix grappled with the duality that defined his existence. The reflection in the mirror bore witness to the struggle between his human conscience and the insatiable hunger that lurked within, waiting to be unleashed with the fall of darkness.

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