Mission 9

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At the uni


We get into our classes. For the class.

"So class we have a new student. Please welcome your new friend Marc Pahun." Teacher said when a student came inside. Marc Pahun??? Why it's seems similar.

I look at Pond and Perth, who is also looking at me. Is he Ms Pinn's son? But he was in London, right? Why is he here?

"Aydin. Please let him sit beside you and give him a tour of the uni, ok?" The teacher said, making my work easier.

"Khab." He came and sat beside me.

"Hey, I am Marc, and you?" He said.


"Hi, I am pond, and this is Perth," Pond said.


"Why are you here at this time? I mean it'snot the starter of the year, right?" Perth asked. This boy!

"Oh. Me and my parents used to stay in London but we have to come back for some work, " Marc said.

"Family problem?" Perth again asked. He will surely kill us one day.

"Acually, I don't know."

He doesn't know? Really? Why did he and Dunk behave similar? Oh! Cousins, after all.

"Do you want a tour of the uni?" Pond asked.

"Chai. Can you give me a tour in lunch break?" Marc said smilingly.

"Sure," three of us said in a snyc.

Lunch break

"Can we go to meet my cousin? He also studies here, "

"Hmm." That means we are going to meet Dunk and his friends. Let's go.

We reached their building when Dunk waved at us. Marc ran to him and hugged him.

"Dunk Dunk, I miss you, na," Marc said.

"I miss you too. How are you?" Dunk saiid with a big smile. What's this smile for.

"I am fine,"

"You said you will not come,"

"What can I do? Mom said we have to come. She has some work"


"Do you even remember us?" Chimon said.

"Awww. P'Chii" Marc hug Chimon then Phuwin.

"Soo finally nong remeber me," Chimon said teasingly. They know him? Looks like you have a good relationship with him.

"How is my brother in law?" Phuwin asked.

"You should know that right. Yoh, meet him every day, and I just sometimes, " Marc said, pouted.

"Oho! You miss him?" Dunk asked.


"Let's meet him tonight," Chimon said.

"Have you seen us?" Pond said. He is such a jelous faen!

"Oh! What are you doing here?" Phuwin asked.

"We are in the same class," Pond said.

"Oh. Is my boyfie is jealous?"

"Boyfie?" Marc asked, confused.

"Oh! Meet my faen Pond, " Phuwin said and interwind his hand with Pond.

"I am feeling like puke here. So let me take my leave, " I said.

"Let me come with you na Joong," Perth talked after a long time.

"Yeah, let's go,"

The rest four start to laugh, leading us to do the same. After the uni tour we decided to have a party at night.

Dunk took his bike and made me come with him.

"Hey, everyone." He waved at every one of our friends who were there.

"Hi. You are late as usuall" Chimon said.

"Oh! Am late, right? Where are your Pawin and Marc?" Dunk said in protest.

"Hoi. His Pawin????" Perth asked with a raised eybrow.

"Yeah. My boyfie, " Chimon said and smirked.

"Who is your boyfie, huh? No one dared for that, Mr. Jumpol" A cute looking boy wearing round shape glasses said.

"Hey, don't you love me, huh? Win?" Chimon said.

"Call me P'Win. I am way older than you, " the boy said.

"Whatever. Ok, everyone, this is Pawin, my cousin, and also Marc's faen, " Chimon said.

"Thank god," Perth sighed.

"Who are you being jealous of me?" Pawin asked.

"Why do you care?" Perth asked.

"Hey, hey, don't fight now, please. Let's have some drink, " Marc said, and we led to the counter.

There was me, Perth, Marc, and Phuwin, who was not drunk yet. Pawin is just a little bit drunk. Bit the other three is just wasted. Now I have to take Dunk to his home. Fuck!

We take our leaves when Pawin and Marc decide to drop Chimon. So, there is no need to worry about him.

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