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-self harm [graphic maybe?]
-test tube catches fan going batshit fucking insane
-im projecting but at the same time been thinking about this concept for awhile.


walking up the stairs of hotel oj, test tube curled her green hair around her finger. putting fan on the 7th floor wasn't oj's smartest move ever. she thought to herself. finishing her walk, she took a breath at the top of the stairs.

test tube pov:

golly, that sure was a walk. does fan do this every time he comes to the lab? i guess its not that much easier than entering the lab, he always faceplants after sliding down.

i neared his room, fan was originally on the third floor, but recently he made a request to be on his own. the only room available to him was all the way up here. i sighed. as i touched the doorknob i heard something.. crying? no, sobbing. it was normal for me to enter fans room without knocking, considering we are dating. [and vise versa]

slowly, with shaking hands, i slightly opened the door. the door made a creak, and i saw fan jump. scrambling to throw his blanket over himself.

"fan?" i asked, opening the door fully and walking inside. softly closing it behind me.

"test tube? what are.. you doing here?" he asked me, i could hear a shake in his voice. along with his obvious shaking.

"i came to see you, the lab gets lonely." i explained. earlier i was trying to think of a new experiment. i rummaged through my notes, yet i found nothing i havent already tested. i assumed fan might have a few ideas, my boy is very creative.

he didn't answer me. i saw tears continuing to stream down his face. worriedly, i hurried over and sat on the foot of his bed.

"whats going on, sunshine?" i asked. he loved being called sunshine.

he sighed, a long, deep sigh. it was full of despair. "i feel.. useless." this wasnt their first conversation about fans issues.

"well, you help me with experiments! and you make me feel all warm!" i said, trying to lift his spirits. i let out a small "hyuek-hyuek-hyuek" but it was unsuccessful. he continued to flash small glances at what he had under the blanket, visibly uncomfortable with it.

"whats wrong?" i asked, worried. he looked away from me. "you can tell me, what happened?" i asked.

he slowly shifted the blanket, revealing long, horizontal slits along his arm. i gasped, obviously horrified.

"here, give me a second."

i got up and ran to his bathroom. luckily he had what i needed. i always saw the small scars on his arms, but it was never my place to ask about them. i knew what they were, but i never knew why.

rushing back to him i placed my supplies on his bed.

"could i?" i asked, extending my hand, asking for his arm. slowly, he gave it to me. they werent very deep, but were definitely bleeding. im grateful for my medical knowledge.

slowly and gently, i cleaned the blood away and wrapped them. simple procedure. i looked up at him. tears still flowed down his face.

"hey, its okay." i scooted closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. he hugged me back, digging his face into my large chest. golly.. i cant think like that! fan needs my comfort.

i stroked his red hair as i mumbled comforting words to him. he pulled back and looked at me.

"im sorry." he said.

"its alright, nothing to apologize for." i held his hand tight. "how are you feeling?"

"better.. thank you testy." he smiled a small, gentle smile.

i quickly moved my supplies onto the floor. repositioning, i held fan in my arms. as we lay together, i could still feel his tears against my chest. soon, we fell asleep together.

when fan woke up he was a little surprised to see me in his bed. we sleep together alot, but normally its in my lab rather than the hotel. i dislike the hotel.

"you alright?"

"yeah, thanks"

he gave me a toothy smile, the one he would give me when talking about his favorite show.

"of course."


WWWAAAAAAHHH!! yes im projecting.. whats with the ii community and projecting onto fan?!?!? trust me guys the next chapt is gonna be cute!! def a strong way to start this book

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