🍲Sick (Jax x Ragatha)🍲

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Ragatha opened her eyes and yawned. She sat up and saw a sleeping Jax next to her and smiled. Ragatha couldn't sleep and went to Jaxx's room. Which she somehow fell asleep and not remember it. She looked down at Jaxx and saw that his fur was all tangled and sticking up like a cotton ball.

'He won't notice...'

Ragatha slowly placed her hand on his head and pet his fur. She smiled at how soft it is.

"Ragatha it's 3 in the morning." Jaxx groaned.

"Ah! Oh sorry I didn't know you were awake!" She laughed nervously.

"I was awake for hours because you kept squeezing the air out of me."

"Oh! I'm sorry did I hug you while sleeping?"

"Very tight."

"My bad Jaxx." Ragatha giggled.

'Wait did he just call me Ragatha? He usually calls me Dollface and Toots. He must be tired.'

"Do you think Caine is gonna wake us up soon?"

"Doubt it. Just try to go back to sleep Ragatha."


Ragatha went back under the covers and laid down next to Jax. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry! Your just so soft!" Ragatha said.


The two fell back asleep blushing.

The next morning Jaxx was the first to get up. He tidied up his fur to make it look smooth again. He gently shook Ragatha.

"Toots. Come on its 8am."

Ragatha groaned. And didn't wake up.


"Hello nice to meet ya!"  Ragatha slurred her speech.

Jaxx looked at her confused he felt her head and it was flaming hot that it could burn your hand off.

"Oh god..." Jaxx sighed. He left Ragatha still in bed and went out.

Zooble entered the kitchen to see Jaxx there with warm tea in his hands.

"Jaxx? Since when do you drink tea?"

"Don't get your hopes up Zooble, it's for the Ragdoll."

"Ragatha? Awwww you care about her!" Zooble teased.

"Shut up Zooble, she has a flaming fever and talking nonsense. I have the decency to not leave her hanging." Jaxx rolled his eyes.

"Didn't know you had decency at all."

Jaxx ignored her comment and left.

"Dollface! Wake up got your favourite tea." Jaxx gently shut the door behind him.

Ragatha sat up and groaned not remembering anything.

"What for?"

"Have you felt your forehead toots. It's burning and your obviously delusional right now."

Jaxx handed her the mug.

"Thanks Jaxx its awesome." Ragatha smiled.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Jaxx rolled his eyes.

"It's just us you know."

"Yeah and?"

"Come on Jaxx you don't need to pretend to be a tough guy. I know you care."

Jaxx blushed with embarrassment at her comment. Ragatha noticed this and started giggling.

"Okay you got me. I do care but who wouldn't?" Jaxx sat down next to her.

"Not a lot of people would care."

"Well there f*ck up."

Ragatha started chuckling at his response. He really is such a fluffy bunny. Jaxx is seen as a huge jerk to everyone in the circus. But he's not always like that. Lucky for Ragatha she gets to see the nicer side of him.

"Thanks Jaxx."

"No problem Dollface. What caused you to be Ill?"

"I don't know."

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