part-83(omi angry)

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Few months pass this way n in this pasted months teja pampered kk a lot she use to wake up at 6 in the morning make Breakfast n lunch ... n then make tea n wake him up... she didn't leave a chance to pamper him but in all this she forgot herself.... she started ignoring her health n over working in office..which reduces her 10 kgs in 2 months... kk was very busy in office work from past 3 months it was teja who was taking care of everything... kk was presently out of India from past 2 weeks

And before I forget to say tejas n adaa's fight has came to end they have solved all there problems..

In this past 2 weeks both could only talk for 10 minutes a day because kk was busy ... and teja didn't say anything nor she got angry she understood n she was left all alone n she started overthinking... n to stop overthinking she started overworking... she use to go office at 9 n come home at 10 or 12... kk was not knowing anything... or u can say no one was there to inform him..

So let's see what this both are doing..

Both were on vc..

Kk: princess we got the deal..

Teja: wow ..sunny so proud of u.... n sunny say me how are u .. did u have breakfast... lunch and dinner...

Kk: yup I had everything... .. baby if u don't mind can I call u back after sometime..

Teja: ha ha no problem..

Kk was having fight to catch he wanted to surprise teja so he cut the call n packed everything n left for airport..

N her teja was in office doing her meeting... n she found out omi didn't take leave..

Teja called on of staff: hello can u please tell omi bhai that I m calling him I cabin..

That staff informed omi n omi came to tejas cabin..

Omi: bhabhi can I come..

Teja: bhai u never need permission..

Omi: hm..

Teja: bhai what are u doing here .. adaa needs u I told u to take few months leave right bhai.. it's her 7th month she really needs u ..

Omi: hm..

Teja:  bhai I m talking with u can u speak..

Omi: u call me bhai right... then don't u need rest do not my brother needs rest .. u both are suffering that's ok but u want me to go n enjoy..

Teja: bhai it's not what u think  .. she is pregnant bhai.. she really needs u..

Omi: ok I understood she is pregnant I should be with her... say me one thing my bhabhi my sister got panic attack 4 times did anyone know... no right because she was alone... because her husband is not giving her the time he should... because this girl forgot about her own life ... teja u r my sister... I don't have family I have only u three..

Teja: four... one is going to come na..

Omi:hm four .. n if one is suffering ... I can't sit n watch ... let then stupid man come I will definitely slap him or I don't know what I will from past 3 months I m seeing u both he is busy in work work work..I thought today he will realize tomorrow he will but no he didn't.. so let me solve the problem which for u its no problem... u are always sunny sunny sunny but where is he ... that stupid I know is not even talking with u right

Teja: bhai u have misunderstood him bhai.. he is really very worried bhai... n I don't want to disturb him or make him more worried n who told he is ignoring me he is busy thats it he can never ignore me I know it ...if he get 2 min then to he doesn't rest he call me to talk .. n bhai now don't think all this n I want u to be on leave thats it n I m not listening to u... n listen relax..

Omi:  u really think I m fool ok fine I will not come to office n not talk to u too.. I don't want someone who doesn't think about themselves... be happy

Teja: bhaii.. bhaii

Omi left without listening to teja ...

Teja : I m again left alone ... I m... no no no don't overthinking teja ... relax... I have work .. yes let me work..

Teja started working ... n it was 11 n teja was still in office..

I know this  part is little boring but don't worry it has many interesting things... n don't worry tejran in my story n in reality will never get far...

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