part-35(new problem)

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Then teja reached home n there kk left for meeting...

Teja hugged km

Km: baccha how was ur exam...

Teja: Maa they were sooo good...

Km : go get fresh I will serve u food ...

Teja got fresh had lunch n now she was in her room...

Teja opened her mobile n was thinking to message kk or not...

Then she messaged him..

Mr Karan kundra...
This message is for reminder to drink water 

Mrs Karan kundra
Thank u for the reminder n
My reminder is to have nap...

Now going to sleep only ..

N I m in meeting

Then meet u at night.


hm Karan


I miss u

Even me go sleep.. bye meet u soon

Then teja slept n here kk too finished the meeting... soon it was night n both talked n slept while talking itself...

And few days pass n in next  2 days it was tejas last exams n she got periods...n kk still didn't come ...yesterday night kk was in party due to which he could not call her... n due yo her periods she was having very bad mood swings...

It was 10 in morning when her phone rang

Teja: if I m cutting the call that means I don't want to talk with u y don't u understand.

Kk: teja...I m...

Teja: I don't need ur sorry.. I m sorry to disturb u ... n now u don't disturb me...

Saying this teja cut the call .


Kk was at the party n he had told teja that ge will come till 10 then they will talk... n she waited till 12

N then she called him

Kk : hello

Teja: Karan where r u ...

Kk: I m in the party I had told u na... now don't disturb me ..
Flashback ends..
He was drunk

Kk to himself : y y y .... did u go to party kundra... ur brain is in ur ass.. no no kundra u should say good about urself... sorry sorry... ahh I will go mad.. this girl is driving me crazy  ... her anger is on another level..  but tonight when I will surprise her na she will forget it I know... n u fool never ever drink again ....

N near teja

Teja to herself : I disturb him a lot.... how can I pressurize anyone to talk to me .. I think because of force n sympathy he talks with me ..  from now he has full freedom I will not interfere between

There was a knock on door .

Teja opened n saw it was helper...

Teja: ha..

Helper: teja mam.. mam is calling u down ..

Teja: ok coming I min..

Saying this teja kept her mobile on her desk n closed her books n went down...

Km was talking with someone... n as soon as km saw teja..

Km: here is my daughter my queen of hearts... my daughter in law.... n teja she is Karan's Bua..

Teja bend n touched her feet...

Km: Bata go ready..

Bua:  what do .. I have came from so far will ur so call daughter in law give me tea ...

Km wanted teja to go n study .

Km: didi I will make..

Teja: Maa u seat here I will make tea...

Teja went in kitchen n made tea .. n served it in front of them n started to go back to her room..

Bua drank tea...

Bua:aaa girl come here...

Teja came in front of her n Bua just threw tea on her face it was very hot..

Teja: ahhhh Maa... ahhh..

Km: didi what did u do this... teja come with me

Km took teja towards kitchen n put cold water on her face..

Teja: ahh... uff.. Maa stop crying I m fine...

Km: I can see that.. 

Teja: Maa really I m ..

Tejas face had turned fully red n Km n teja came out..

Km: y did u do this didi...

Bua: what do this girl think of herself  ... because of this stupid this cheap girl my  brother n Rahul are in jail... because of this slut... she deserves it... n listen pack ur bags I will throw u out ... I will sell u... I will ...

Teja didn't say n went to her room Km wanted to say but teja had stopped her through her eyes...

What do u think kk will do...

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