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Cassie,Glenn and Maggie were all sat together their backs against one of the walls of the room as they waited for what would happen next. Cassie stared ahead face blank but she could feel Glenn's eyes on her from time to time.

"What Glenn?" Cassie asked the first words she had spoken after her hug from Maggie. "Just ask whatever you want to ask before your brain explodes from all your crazy theories"

"Did he-" Glenn began and Cassie could tell he was struggling to find the words to ask his question but she knew what he meant "Did he do it?"

"No" was all Cassie replied with and she heard Maggie sniffle slightly afterwards out of relief he didn't end up going that far with either of them. "I forgot with all the dead people roaming around that humans can be monsters too" she admitted.

"As long as he never-"

"No" Maggie told her boyfriend once more before he pulled her in for a hug. When Glenn pulled away he turned to Cassie.

"Do you think we can be bruise buddies?" she asked trying but kinda failing to lighten the mood. Glenn gave her a sad smile going to giver her a bump with his shoulder and saw her wrists bright red from the restraints on them. They shared a look before after deciding he had enough of seeing too of the people he cared for most treated in such a way.

Glenn hobbled his way over to a walker ,Cassie wasn't quite sure how it got in there but had decided not to ask, and with much pain due to his bodily injuries snapped off the walkers arm.

Intrigued Maggie helped Cassie up ,being careful of her wrist, and the pair made their way over to the arm he was snapping off. Cassie heard the squelching of guts and snapping of the corpses bones before Glenn pulled out two arm bones sharp enough to pass for make shift knives and passed one to Maggie.

"Hey wheres my one?" Cassie asked and Glenn turned to her with a sigh.

"Cassie just sit this one out" and when Cassie went to protest against him he kept going "We heard you screaming against that guy and you've been cracking jokes trying to seem okay but your not. Just let us handle it but be ready in case of emergency and we need you"

Maggie nodded along with her boyfriends plan which Cassie found kinda unfair seeing as they basically went through the same thing but she simply nodded along with Glenn's plan.

When someone came to open the door the couple were ready Glenn pushing one of the men which ended up being Merle to the ground as Maggie took the other ,pinning him against a wall, and stabbing him with her bone.

As his limp body fell his gun went off which Cassie quickly grabbed ignoring what Glenn had told her wanting to help. She turned to see Merle had gotten Glenn to the ground with his knife hand to the Koreans throat so she pointed it at him with Maggie beside her.

"Let him go" she shrieked.

"Cmon Merle don't do this" Cassie tried reasoning with him and she thought it had worked only for more of the Governors men to come running round the corner,one of which being Martinez who was more than happy to point his gun straight at the blonde, out gunning them.

Merle grabbed the gun off Cassie and shouted at Glenn to get up before they took them back to the room they were previously in making them get down on their knees. Maggie and Glenn held hands telling each other they loved one another as they got the sacks pulled over their heads.

Cassie couldn't help but regret having not told Daryl how she felt as her own bag was pulled over her head before someone began tying her wrists together with tape making her hiss at the pain from her previous wrist wound.

As they were pulled to their feet and began to walk Cassie heard a clatter on the ground before an explosion went off. Cassie began to cough as some sort of smoke filled the air as she felt the grip one of the soldiers had on her loosen.

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now