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After Hershel finished stitching up Cassie the two men, women and boy had to crouch behind the red van as a walker approached seeing as none of them had the energy to deal with it. Cassie was really wishing in her rush to find Rick and Shane she hadn't lost her bow seeing as a silent long range weapon could of came in real handy.

Carl and Rick had been arguing back and forth about going back for the others. Cassie wanted to of course she did but she knew that going back to the farm right now was a death sentence.

Cassie was zoned out as Hershel and Rick talked but she began to concentrate when Rick knelt down to talk with Carl and got her attention by tapping her hand at the same time. What he was saying wasn't to her but he needed her to hear it too.

"Carl, I'm sorry. We'll-" Rick began but he stopped when he heard the sound of a motorcycle engine approaching. All of them turned with small smiles to see Daryl approaching on his bike, Carol on the back.  They were followed by the blue pick up and a white car which they assumed to be the rest of the group.

They made their way out from their hiding place as Cassie zipped up her jacket. She didn't want anyone to see she had gotten herself hurt, especially not Daryl. Once the motorcycle stopped Carol climbed off and approached Cassie pulling her in for a hug as Daryl and a Rick shared a handshake. Once Daryl was off the bike as the others started approaching Cassie moved as fast as she could without making her side hurt before placing a quick kiss to Daryl's lips as the others were distracted at the moment. The only one who saw the soft kiss was Carl but he simple smiled at his aunt and the redneck before running to his mom.

After the kiss Cassie wrapped her arms around Daryl and hugged him as tight as she could. She let out a small groan of pain when Daryl pulled her close to him but he never heard it. He was just so relieved she was safe placing a kiss onto her head.

When him and Glenn had turned in the woods and she was gone they had assumed she had ran back to camp or maybe even gone to find Rick. But when they returned to the farmhouse and saw no Cassie or Rick or Shane that was when Daryl knew he had to go looking for her. Then the herd had came in and before he knew it he was going to have to leave without her regretfully hoping she was safe.

And know he knew she was and she was in his arms he never wanted to let her go again, he just wanted to keep her safe in his arms for as long as he could. "I was so worried about you sunshine"

"I know and I'm so sorry I had to find Rick. I didn't even think I'm sorry" Cassie whispered into his chest so only he could hear.

"It's alright, yer safe that's all that matters" he reassured her before they pulled away and Cassie turned to see Glenn standing waiting for a hug of his own.

Maggie was close behind Glenn so she hugged Cassie soon after before Cassie walked back over to Daryl standing beside him as the group talked.

"Where'd you find everyone?" Rick asked.

"We'll, those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road. Figured he had to be Asian driving like that" Daryl joked Cassie shoving him lightly as everyone let out small laughs.

"Good one" Glenn chuckled.

"Where's the rest of us?"

"We're the only ones who have made it so far" Rick told them.

"Shane?" Lori asked and Cassie felt herself tense up at his name as she clenched her fists hard. Rick simply shook his head as a reply and Cassie saw the way Loris face dropped.


"She saved me then I lost her" Carol told them.

"We saw her go down"  T-dog added on.

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now