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Once Cassie decided she was far enough away from the group she finally let herself break down. She fell back as her sobs rocked her body her back sliding down the blue cars window as she slowly lowered herself to the ground.

It was her fault. That poor girl was out there lost in the woods and it was all her fault. As she sobbed Cassie couldn't take the pain of letting down Sophia so badly. She felt the pain rush through her hand as she dug her fingernails into her palms.The harder she sobbed the harder her fingernails were against her skin.

It was at the point she had sobbed so much her throat felt raw and she had drawn blood from her palm that was over her fingertips.  She heard footsteps coming in her direction and reached for her knife. When Daryl's head popped round the side of the car she felt a sigh of relief wash over her body.

Daryl cautiously moved over to where the woman was sat as he could see she had been crying and didn't want to upset her more. Daryl regretted not going after her earlier but he had wanted to giver her a bit of space. It was also because he was unsure on what to say to her or what to do in the situation. He hadn't cared for anyone who wasn't his blood as much as he did for her.

He sat down beside her and noticed her fists clenched over her knees and remembered their conversation that night at the cdc. "Cass" he spoke gently as he mover one of his hands over hers trying to get her fists to unclench.  Cassie felt another sob leave her body as she opened her palms out to the redneck beside her.

Daryl didn't say anything but simply looked down at her hands seeing the crescent shaped cuts where there had been scars before. He looked over to her but she wouldn't meet his eyes choosing to stare ahead at nothing instead.

Daryl grabbed the water bottle he had beside him and his red rag pouring some water in it before he gently dabbed at the cuts in her hands washing away the small amount of blood surrounding the cuts.

"You know when I was a kid younger than Sophia I got lost" he told her. Cassie didn't move to look at him so he continued his story. "9 days out in the woods eating berries and wiping my ass with poison oak. Merle was back in juvie, my dad was off on a bender with some waitress so they didn't know I was lost. No one came looking for me so I made my own way home went straight to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I was just fine except my ass itched something awful." Daryl had never told anyone that story but he felt he could trust Cassie with stories from his past.

Cassie started to laugh softly sniffling as her laugh grew and a smile made its way onto her face. Daryl felt a part of him warm as he was the one who was able to cheer her up. She normally always had some sort of small smile on her and without it she just didn't seem herself.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh that's a terrible story" Cassie said but she couldn't stop laughing. To her surprise Daryl started laughing along with her as he let her hands go. The pair sat and laughed for a minute before it died down and the comfortable silence they found in each other's presence returned.

"If you went missing I'd look for you" Cassie spoke softly turning her head to look at Daryl. For the first time that night their eyes met and Daryl never wanted to look away.  He reached a hand up to tuck a stray piece of her hair behind her ear before his thumb moved to her cheek wiping away a tear.

"Save me" he began as he moved his hand back to one of hers keeping the other on her cheek brushing soft circles on it.

"And I will save you" Cassie finished as she felt herself lean into his touch. She felt safe with Daryl like she could tell him anything and he'd listen. He'd help her no matter what.

Daryl wasn't sure what to do for only a moment before he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. He wasn't one to normally give such physical affection to people but he couldn't help it. He felt her arms wrap around his shoulder as she placed her head in the crook of his neck. Daryl didn't want to move from this position but he knew they had to go back to the group.

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now