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As Cassie exited her tent in new clothes for the day, ricks hat on her head when she saw Daryl, Glenn, Morales,T-dog,Jim and Jaqui moving dead bodies about burning them and driving stuff into their heads so they definitely didn't come back to life.

As Cassie was about to go over to them her nephew ran over to her. "Aunt Cassie!" He yelled causing everyone's attention to turn to the pair. She wrapped him up in a huge hug having not seen him since the attack.

"Good to see you to kiddo" she grinned. Once she lowered him down to the ground he held his pinky out to her.

"We have to promise each other that we'll always rescue each other" he determined in a serious voice, well as serious as he could be.

"Okay" Cassie agreed smiling down at the boy linking their pinky's together before he ran off back to his mother. Cassie was about to head over to the group dealing with walkers when she heard a small voice behind her.


She turned around to see Sophia standing there nervously staring down at her shoes like Carl did when he was nervous.

"Hey you okay?" Was all Cassie got out before the little girl began to cry. It wasn't a sad cry just more of a cry of relief. The woman instantly kneeled down beside her pulling the young girl in for a hug brushing her hair with her fingers in an attempt to calm her down.

"Hey hey it's okay. I'm okay" she reassured her pulling her back a bit so their eyes met. "I'm okay"

"Thank you Cassie. You saved me. Your like my big sister" Sophia confessed unsure wether the woman would be okay with what she had admitted.

"Well your like my sister too so it's okay" she told her before placing a small kiss to the top of her forehead. "Now go see your mom I gotta go help the others okay?"

"Okay" and with that the two parted ways before Sophia called Cassie's name again louder than before. When Cassie turned around she ran over gesturing for her to kneel down so she could whisper in her ear.

"Mr Daryl keeps looking at you. I think he likes you in a way that's more than friends. Maybe he even loves you" she girl before skipping away happily.

Cassie felt her cheeks warm up but the blush quickly disappeared or she hoped it did as she made her way over to the group.

"Hey Cassie here to help?" Glenn asked as he ran over to her taking off his hat to wipe hit brow.

"Yeah if that's alright"

"Yeah you can help Daryl with smashing the skulls. I know it sound weird but trust me it works just grab a pickaxe"

"Okay pizza boy" she smiled giving him a small salute before picking up a pickaxe and starting to smash the skulls of walkers.She placed her hat on the hood of a blue truck before she began.They all continued to work only stopping when they heard the cock of a gun.

Cassie looked up and saw rick with his hands up as Andrea pointed a gun at him yet again. She felt her anger bubbling up inside of her as she got ready to run over and intervene when she felt a hand gently on her shoulder. She didn't have to turn around to know it what was Daryl she wasn't sure how but she just knew it was him.

Once Rick had backed away most of the Atlanta group gathered around on a circle to discuss what to do next.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girls a time bomb" Daryl said making his opinion on the matter very clear.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked him although Cassie already knew he wasn't going to like the rednecks response.

"Take the shot. Clean in the brain from here he'll I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance"

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now