Chapter 8

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Liv's POV

Being as careful as possible, I made my way through the quiet hallway of the mansion, making sure not to make a sound. That was useless since they could already smell me from a mile away, so the moment I entered the mansion, they probably already knew.

I had convinced myself that if I ran into any of them and they tried anything silly, I was going to fight them till my last breath. After roaming around for a while, I realized for me to find my room, I needed to ask any of them.

I breathed out a sigh of frustration as I started walking to where their rooms were. Their rooms were close to each other, so I had to convince myself which of them was saner for me to ask my question.

On getting to where their rooms were, I realized I didn't even need to ask. Right after their 3 rooms arranged in a line, was a room which had my name inscribed on it.


A little chuckle escaped my lips. Was the write-ups really necessary?

Shaking my head with a sigh, I walked in.

My jaw dropped.

The room was way more than my expectations. The colors were neutral, which I preferred. I loved the fact they didn't assume my favorite color was pink and then end up making the room look like a unicorn threw up on it.

There was a table and right on it was a laptop. The same kind of laptop I had been saving money to buy. The closet was packed with different types and styles of clothes. The bed was king-sized, rather than my small bed back in the staff quarters.

Another thing about it that I loved was.

It was warm.

That was all I ever wanted. A warm cosy room where I wouldn't have to shake from the cold all night. Staring around the room, I almost felt like forgiving them for everything they did. It was beautiful, but was it really worth everything they did to me?

I closed the door behind me and then I hopped on the bed to sleep. I didn't realize how tired I was until my head collided with the soft pillow and I fell right asleep.

The morning sun, peering from the tiny creek of the curtain, made me flip my eyes open. I looked around for a while, rubbing my tired eyes before getting up from my bed and moving towards the bathroom to have my bath.

Before I could make it to the bathroom, I saw a flower on the desk, alongside a note which was under it. I knew for sure I didn't see any flowers when I came into the room the previous night and it made me confused about who could have left it.

It was then it occurred to me that I didn't lock the door last night. Was I so comfortable that I forgot the most important thing_ protecting myself from them?

I took the note under the flower.

We weren't able to communicate with you concerning the sudden change. We figured you would say no, so we just did it. How do you like the new room? If you don't like anything, we can have that changed.

Another thing, sorry for how things went yesterday. Maybe we pushed things too far. Anyway, see you at school.

From Ryder

I took some time to process what he meant by the last statement. What the hell did he mean by seeing me at school? We didn't even go to the same school. I asked myself, shaking my head and heading to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After doing my morning routine, I walked over to the closet to see what I could get dressed in. On one side were the new clothes they got for me and on the other side were my old clothes. I was tempted to take one of the new clothes which still had their tags on it, but I ended up taking my old clothes.

If they saw me in the clothes they bought for me, they would assume I had forgiven them for all the awful things they did to me.

Since it was kind of cold outside, I wore a hoodie and then a pair of jeans. I wasn't extra with my style anyway, so I was good to go. I put my brunette hair into a pony and then I grabbed my school bag.

I had a lot of classes that day and the thought of it made me exhausted already. On getting out of the room, I made sure I didn't run into any of them and I didn't, which I was grateful. I normally walked to school since it wasn't so far from the pack.

It was a regular college, nothing really special about it. It was owned by the pack, but other packs attended to. I had no friends, not because of my omega status. There were a lot of omegas at my school, but I just didn't want friends. I felt better living in my shell.

I was in my first year and I planned on moving out of the pack and starting my life once I was done.

On getting to my school, I got settled for my class. Before the classes would even start, the student president; Tyler came right in. He was a tall Blondie who got elected recently. He scoured through the crowd and then his eyes landed on me.

He beckoned on me and for a moment I was confused. What did he want with me? After confirming it was actually me, I walked over to him.

"Is there a problem?" I asked when I got to where he was.

"Uh no" he looked at the file in his hand. And then he looked back up. "Liv Anderson, am I correct?" he asked and I nodded slowly.

"So you are being transferred to Highland University, I am sure you already know that by now. Since we were contacted yesterday, we were able to put you in a slot and you are set to resume today"

My heart skipped. Highland University was for the elite. The school was mostly attended by people who had Alpha and Beta blood coursing through their veins. It was even hard to spot a gamma there.

My heart dropped when I realized that was also the school the triplets attended!

"What are you talking about? I wasn't told anything about that"

He stared at me in exhaustion like there were plenty of other things he could be doing than talking to me. "Too bad, but I'm telling you now. The HOD has already signed the transfer. All you have to do is pack your bags and go meet the car waiting for you outside"

I was dumbstruck. There was no way this was happening. There was a car waiting for me?!

"And what if I don't want to go to this school?"

He shrugged. "Then you would have to answer to the Alpha himself" he replied handing me the file before walking out.

There was no way the Alpha would demand for my transfer. He barely even knew me. There was only one explanation for this.

It had to be the three devils!

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