Chapter 7

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Liv's POV

With tears trickling from my eyes, I left the room, walking to the kitchen angrily. On getting there, I leaned against the wall, sobbing hard. Why the hell did it have to be them?

They were bound to torture me all the days of my life and they wouldn't even do me a favor of accepting my rejection.

Apart from being angry at nature for making them my mate, I was also angry at myself. I knew that even if I was filled with rage now, it wouldn't take long before I would fall for all their kindness when I knew they didn't deserve it.

That was how the mate bond worked. Since we were already connected somewhat, It was bound to happen.

If they cornered me and decided to mark me against my will, then it was over, I was officially trapped. There was no second chance mate for me until they were dead. I rummaged my hands through my hair. I had never felt so stuck in my life.

I wanted to make them pay so badly, for everything they did to me, but I knew I couldn't. Another thing they were also failing to understand is no matter how hard they tried to win me over, I was determined to follow my brain and not my heart. I wasn't that stupid.

After crying my eyes out, I carried on with my work, which included cleaning and preparing lunch for some of the higher-ranked people in the pack since their breakfast had already been covered. I did the dishes, cleaned the windows, and dusted everything that I found dirty.

By the end of the gruesome long hours of standing and working, I was exhausted. The only thing on my mind was to hug my bed. I knew I wouldn't have a problem resting since Mrs Yvonne was cool with it as long as all my jobs were finished.

I dragged my body back to my staff quarters. All I could think of was my bed, but on getting to my room, I realized my bed was gone.

Not just my bed, but my things! Everything!

My heart skipped. Did I do something wrong? Was I being thrown out?

I ran out of the room with the sleep completely leaving my eyes. I went straight to Mrs Yvonne's office.

While knocking, I kept praying to the heavens that I wasn't being chased out. Where the hell would I go? I didn't know anywhere or anyone.

The only person who wasn't dead in my life was my father, but where the hell would I find him after he ran away years ago the moment he found out my mum was pregnant for me?

"Come in" she replied and I twisted the handle, pushing the door open immediately. "Is there a problem Liv?" she asked, staring back at her desk.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked slowly, hoping she would say no.

Her countenance changed into a frown. "Did you finish your work today?"

"Yes I did"

"Then you did nothing wrong. If that is all, you can leave. I have a lot on my plate at the moment" she informed, looking down at her desk.

"I just found out my things had been moved and I wondered if I did anything wrong. Am I being punished for something?"

Her eyes shone in realization as she looked at me. "Oh It's not you, you did nothing wrong. It was an order from the Alpha's sons" she replied.

"That I'd be kicked out?"

She shook her head. "I thought they discussed it with you first. Anyways, they asked for your things to be moved to a room in the mansion. That's where you will live now"

"What!" my jaw dropped. Were they being serious right now?

"You have no idea how lucky you are. An Omega in the mansion. That's the first" she noted, her face not failing to show how odd she found it.

"But I don't want this. Can I get my things moved back?"

"Sorry Liv, but your room is being given out to our newest maid"

"Wait, does that mean_"

"Yes, you no longer have to work as hard anymore. The only thing you should be worried about is taking care of the Triplets since you are their personal maid" she said briefly.

I clenched my fist in rage. Did they really think just because they perceived I might be suffering down here, that they were doing me a favor by bringing me to the mansion? They didn't think of that when they bullied me for years, expecting me to be happy.

"Thank you" I managed to mutter.

It was getting late but I convinced myself I wasn't going back to the mansion that late with what happened last time. What I planned on doing was sleeping in my room, right there on the floor. Then when it becomes morning, I'd go back to them and ask them why the hell they did this.

On getting to my room door, I twisted the door handle, but it didn't open. It was locked. I groaned in frustration. At that point, I felt someone should take a gun and shoot me right in the head, making everything end.

I groaned hitting the door with my legs. I didn't do it once, but several times, not with the plans of breaking it down, but venting my anger on it.

"Can you fucking keep it down, you bloody omega!" one of the maids thundered in her room

I sighed, realizing I was disturbing others in their sleep. It was then it occurred to me that I didn't actually have where to sleep. The thought of it made me grit my teeth in anger.

With that annoyance, I walked outside the staff quarters, heading to the open field and sitting on it. It felt like the cold was waiting for me to get comfortable because it didn't take long before I started shaking.

I wasn't even dressed properly for the cold and there was nothing I could do since I was scared to go to the mansion and there was nobody who would lend me a sweater in the staff quarters because of their hatred for me.

Wrapping my hands around my arms, I puffed out air with my teeth clamped shut. I knew it wouldn't take long before I get up from the grass and drag my lazy butt to the mansion in defeat.

"You know you won't be able to sleep here right?" my wolf called out.

I ignored her. I didn't need anyone to add to my frustration.

"I don't understand. Why the hell do you hate them so much"

A lump formed in my throat, but I tried my best not to cry. "You have no idea what they did to me" I shot at her.

"But you can always forgive"

"Get over your obsession with them and start getting prepared for a second chance mate because there is no way I am ending up with those devils"

"But you can't have a second chance mate if they don't accept your rejection Liv" she reminded me of the fact I already knew and that fact made my blood boil.

I sighed. "I fucking know that" I let out in a whisper.

I looked over to the mansion. I wasn't so far from it, but it felt so far from me. I found it hard to get up even though I was dying from the cold.

I was scared, I had to admit, still very scared of them. I couldn't trust them. Each time I tried to, I convinced myself it was impossible for them to ever change.

I stood up from the grass I sat on. "I'll give it a try," I said out loudly contrary to what I felt inwardly. I stared at the mansion like it was a new city entirely_ A city I was terrified of.

"That's the spirit" My wolf cheered giddily.

"Not because I want to accept them, but because I need a place to sleep tonight" I let out and then started making my way towards it, hoping I wouldn't meet any of them that night.

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