Part 15

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TK admittedly jumped when the door opened but relaxed hearing Carlos call into their flat. "Hi baby," he smiled leaning over the playpen barrier to tickle Gee's nose, "She's just settled," TK responded turning around from his spot in the kitchen. "How are you?" Carlos asked slowly approaching TK who closed the gap and hugged Carlos, "It's okay, it's okay," Carlos assured him guiding them both over to the sofa, "I've got dinner so we don't have to cook," figured it would be a good distraction. Which it was TK got up to get two plates and cutlery, "Has she been fed?" Carlos asked, "Not yet, I've tried but she hasn't been interested," "We'll eat ours and see then," Carlos kissed TK placing the Chinese he ordered on the dining room table.

TK was starting to worry as Gee was not feeding still, Carlos got concerned as well but had a thought, he filled up one of her bottles with the milk TK had pumped at the fire house. "Give her to me," "A bottles not going to work," TK sighed but was content to give her to Carlos, to his surprise she took the bottle, "I think it's stress baby she senses it," "It must be then," TK agreed. Carlos put Gee to bed while TK crawled under the covers himself. He felt the bed shift next to him, Carlos pulled TK closer to him, he turned and cuddled into Carlos's chest, "What's up?" Carlos asked feeling TK's heart thump. TK didn't say a word. Tears dripped down TK's face and Carlos held him closer, "It's okay TK your safe, Gwynneth is safe cry honey please just let it all out so we can move on and let go together."

Carlos dreamt that night about Gwynneth all grown up. 15 years old, a cheerleader at school, good student, well behaved, sweet girl. She didn't mind being seen with her parents two dads, Jewish and Catholic. Gee grew up to favour Judaism but like her dad she was non practicing and still attended Catholic Church with Granny and her papa. But like a lot of teenagers, like her dad she struggled. Gee presented early as an alpha but the pressure got to her like it got to TK. She was tormented mentally in this dream hence why there were no other children in this dream. They had to sacrifice other children for Gee's sake.

He was at work one evening when he was called to a party falling out, other officers needed assistance dispersing the youth. Getting out he helped his colleagues copy ID's, kids contact parents and sending them on there way. Passing through some rooms he heard three people walking, one stumbling being carried by two others who had heavier footsteps, "Excuse me," he called out, "Police stop your not in trouble," the two lads turned on their heels the girl who's arms they had around their shoulders kept her head down hair falling over her head. "Do you need us to call anyones parents?" "It's alright she's our downstairs neighbour we're gonna help her home," the lad on the left explained, Carlos knew that necklace hanging from the delirious girls neck, "Gee!" He gasped catching her pulling her away from the two lads, another officer approached from behind the two lads, "She's my daughter and you two are not our neighbours so what were your intentions?" Both went silent and Carlos picked up his daughter. "Officer Reyes, Gee was sober I swear she didn't drink anything other than lemonade," her friend Maxi shouted over, Carson immediately arrested the two lads and an ambulance was called to take Gee to get tested, with her medication and being spiked it could be lethal. Lethal, death. His brain spiralled.

Carlos awoke in a cold sweat to Gee crying, still a baby, still in her cot, still safe in her parents arms. Could it really be true. What he was being told? He was extremely protective of Gee and TK in this moment, Gee a vulnerable infant and his omega mate next to him. Whatever the future had they would face it together. 

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