Part 5

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Long after parents left TK broke down crying hormones or not, he shouldn't have been crying this hard, "Sorry I must be really annoying," "Never come on bed it's been a rollercoaster of a day," Carlos ordered picking his omega up, "What did my dad say to you?" "Nothing you need to be concerned about baby he just said don't mess it up," he didn't though, Owen told Carlos the truth about Oscar and Micheal, TK blocked out just how horrific it was. He actually lost Oscar in the A and E and was still bleeding significantly, he was barely coherent it was awful for Owen to watch his son spiral down the rabbit hole no matter how much both he and Gwen tried to help him. It sounded horrible.

20 weeks they find out the gender and 21 they were doing a gender reveal party. Ironic isn't it the police officers wanted it to be a boy and the firefighters/paramedics wanted baby Tarlos to be a girl making Marjan's job easier doing a firefighters vs police cake confusing the baker till she explained it, not even she knew the gender. The day grew closer and day of they all met up at the 126 as the firefighters/paramedics were working, Carlos couldn't keep his hands off of TK's bump which was more noticeable in his uniform, "Will the parents to be please step forward," sharing once last glance they held each others had tight as they approached the cake, Carlos walked a little ahead picking up the knife. They cut the cake open but to there surprise it was just a normal chocolate cake, "What Marjan?" TK asked, he didn't see Carlos pull a box from the centre, when he turned around he saw Carlos on one knee, "Oh my god," "TK you make me the happiest man alive every night when I close my eyes I see you and our baby living our versions of happily ever after, will you do me the greatest honour and marry me," "Yes yes a thousand times yes, oh my god why am I crying," "Blame it on hormones," Tommy came to the rescue with that one, "And you just didn't cut far enough into the cake btw," they cut a little further into the cake and just as the colourful m&m's spilled out they set off the cannon revealing the vibrant pink colour, "It's a girl!" Someone shouted but TK and Carlos were to caught up in the moment, "My omega," Carlos whispered holding TK close.

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