Part 3

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"What happened last night baby?" Carlos asked combing his fingers through TK's hair, "I don't but thank you," "No is a full sentence as well as stop. If I your alpha can't understand that then was is my right to say I love you. You smell like love baby," "And this time alpha I'm truly committed," "My good little omega," Carlos purred pulling him closer.

They had a brunch at around 11 TK took the morning after pill then, thats how diligent they were, "T we seriously need to discuss if we want kids?" Carlos brushed TK's hand, "It's your body and I don't want to force you into anything," TK remained quiet thinking, "Carlos can we get married first please. I just don't want this, what we have I don't want it to amount to nothing," he rests his head on the table unsure of anything right now, his mind was in a foggy state, Carlos played with his hair softly. "When my next heat comes around can we please just cuddle," TK asked looking up, "Tyler it's your body and I never want to hurt you," "Los it's bound to happen as your an alpha I'm an omega. It's bound to," "Don't say that Ty," Carlos almost shouted becoming upset, "Oh no no, Carlos I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you," TK leapt up going to encase Carlos in his arms, Carlos completely broke down, "Ty I never want to hurt you," "Oh shoot," all he could think of doing was holding Carlos whispering sweet nothings. They had both been all over the place emotionally lately. What was different they couldn't comprehend.

Time had past since that conversation TK and Carlos had grown closer and Carlos more protective, it was just instinct hormones becoming more prevalent. That was probably due to TK's heat putting Carlos in rut on day two, TK begged for sex wishing for some relief but that one incident got violent TK wanted to back out but rut was having none of it and kept going. Neither wanted to speak of what happened again so dodged every question about the scratches all over Carlos nor the bruises on TK but of course the universe didn't want that to happen. TK sat in the 126 bathroom with a positive pregnancy test in his hands it could only have been that night it all happened when heat and rut took control of there bodies, the omega wanting nothing more than a baby the alpha wanting sex with an omega. It was crazy what there orientation can do to them, this was proof, how was he going to tell Carlos? That was his biggest challenge, he decided to stop by Asda on the way home to get a baby grow, a present box and some tissue paper hoping to surprise Carlos with it.

TK was home before Carlos that night so he cooked dinner citing no special occasion when initially pushed, "Come on Ty I know you better than this whats going on?" Carlos asked smirking at the younger man, "Okay then," he got up to pull the sleek black box with white polka dots out from under his work bag, TK smiled presenting Carlos the box like it was on a silver platter, "Go on open it," TK smiled, Carlos pulled the ribbon off the top removing the lid, he pulled out the test studying it carefully trying to fully take in the result, "Oh my god your, your," Carlos stuttered overcome with joy, "Your pregnant?" "Yes I am," TK smiled, Carlos wrestled him off the chair swinging him up bridal style to twirl around the room, "I love you I love you, I love you!" He exclaimed, "Los put me down!" TK laughed kissing his cheek, "Wait the night we conceived-," TK stopped him, "No we create a different night in our minds. How we made love after a," he stopped unsure of what else to add, "After a romantic dinner and lets say Pride and Prejudice," "We were in the mood and forgot protection," "There we go," "Thats so much better," they smiled deeming that better than the truth.

TK's leg was shaking like mad, he had to take better care of himself now that another life was dependent on him, Carlos will help him on that one, speaking of which he was even more protective then before behaving how an alpha should when there mate was pregnant not cheating on them and nearly killing them. "TK your shaking the bench," Carlos whispered gripping his hand soothingly, "I know," "TK Strand?" A nurse called, the two got up and Carlos slid an arm around TK's waist with TK welcoming the touch as they walked behind the nurse into an office. "Hello gents take a seat if you don't mind, TK this is your second pregnancy correct?" "Yes," he gripped Carlos's had at mention of Oscar, "Alright any idea on the day of conception so we can work out a rough due date," "16/12 only possible date," "Alright that puts you at about early to middle of October and you about 8-10 weeks, would you like to see your baby?" The doctor asked, the two exchanged looks to quickly decide, "Yes," TK started, "We would like that very much," she directed TK to lay down and to pull his top up silently, "Just to warn you the gel is a little cold," both set of eyes were on the screen, it was there baby, TK reached his hand out for Carlos to hold it, "Only good thing to come out of that evening," Carlos whispered, the doctor didn't press it understanding it was a sensitive topic.

TK stared at the sonogram all the way home, once home it was slipped into the corner of a frame of a picture of the two of them, it was so perfect it was an instant new lock screen. Telling there families (126 for TK) and coworkers of there good fortune was next on the list but not for sometime it would be there secret for now, he had to tell Tommy so he couldn't be hurt on calls she was overjoyed to hear of kids coming along. Morning sickness initially nearly gave them away, many a mornings TK spent with his head in the toilet or rubbish bin sometimes he had Carlos at his side rubbing his back soothingly other times without either because he hadn't woken him or either one of them was on shift. One such morning he was sat on the their bathroom floor alone, their OBGYN said it was normal to experience morning sickness and if it got any worse than it already was they would prescribe him medication to help, he hoped though he didn't have Hyperemesis gravidarum a severe form of morning sickness when rattled down to the basics but it was starting to look that way. "Ty," Carlos whispered opening the door, "Carlos your kid is causing me a whole host of issues," TK whispered meekly gagging over the toilet to loose even more of his stomach contents, "Hey hey hey I got you, I got you, I wish I could take this pain away from you," Carlos whispered holding TK close, "How far along now?" TK asked, Carlos opened his phone to check the dates, "11 weeks we find out in 3 weeks wether it's a boy or girl, where are we going to tell people?" "This week I hope I'm think I'm good now I think," TK whispered, Carlos decided to scoop him up bridal style the baby bump prevalent as ever, "Los I swear to god," "Thats the TK I know," Carlos smiled deciding against twirling them around. 

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