8 | Young prince

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It might have been love at first sight. The king was captivated by Ratna's mesmerizing beauty and exceptional skills, compelling him to desire her presence without delay. Consequently, he implores her to become his mistress right then and there.After all, he's the almighty king infamously known for his unbridled lust towards beauties.

Ratna seemed to vanish without a trace. There were no sightings or leads regarding her whereabouts. Days turned into weeks, and weeks stretched into months, with no sign of her.

Confined behind the imposing walls of the palace, Ratna's presence becomes a mere whisper in the bustling world beyond. Isolated and restricted, she is unable to venture outside or connect with anyone.

"Did Ratna actually accept the proposal?" Zurina asks, her voice laced with concern.Ahmad sighing in defeat as he also doesn't know Ratna's whereabouts.

Zurina and Ahmad, the couple whom Ratna and Malik first met upon arriving in Sandini, extended their kindness and support to both of them. They took them under their wing, providing shelter, accommodation, a warm sense of belonging and cared for them as if they were their own children.

The prolonged silence from Ratna, especially after her encounter with the king several months ago, has understandably caused great worry and concern among Zurina, Ahmad, and Malik.

Given the close bond they share with Ratna and the care they have shown for each other, it is only natural that they would be deeply troubled by her sudden and unexplained absence.

"I'm one hundred percent sure she was forced to accept the king's offer, he's a bit off," Malik states, anger courses through him, evident in the tense set of his jaw and the furrowed lines on his forehead.

Ahmad's face fell as disappointment and regret washed over him, and he uttered with a heavy sigh, "She shouldn't have met him in the first place. The king's been collecting beautiful girls from all around the country, and now Ratna is caught up in it."

"Poor her," Zurina murmured, her eyes reflecting deep worry. "Is there anything we could do to meet her? To know what actually happened to her?"

Malik, who had been listening intently, spoke up, his voice filled with concern, "We can't change what's already happened, but we can focus on finding her and ensuring her safety. We'll do whatever it takes to bring her back,"

Ahmad nodded,. "You're right. We won't give up. We'll explore every possible lead, reach out to anyone who might have information, and bring Ratna back home. We owe her that much."

Malik's plan is to sneakily enter the palace and find Ratna's whereabouts. Fortunately, some people recognize Malik and provide him with the necessary information without reporting him.

He found Ratna instantly, her expression sullen as she kept her head drooped down. She was crouching alone in the garden, her gaze fixed on the flowers. Guards and servants stood nearby, waiting to accompany her.

The irony lies in the fact that the flower she looked over seemed to symbolize unhappiness or a sense of being trapped, further accentuating her current state.Withered lilies.

A wave of sadness washed over him as he witnessed Ratna's somber state.

"Ratna, Ratna..." he whispers her name, hoping that she would notice him. If the servants and guards were to catch him, he would find himself in great trouble, as only the personal guards and servants of the king's mistresses were permitted to make contact with them.

Ratna immediately recognized Malik's voice and gasped, quickly composing herself. She discreetly surveyed her surroundings, rising to her feet and smoothing her dress. With a somber expression, she addressed her servants, "May I please be granted some solitude?."

"His Majesty insists that we, your humble servants, remain in constant attendance by your side. It would be difficult for us to leave you alone."

"I am well aware of His Majesty's expectations, but it would not cause any significant issue to grant me a little time alone," she pleads, gently holding the servant's hand, hoping her request will be granted. She yearns to speak with Malik, urgently and without delay.

The servants reluctantly stepped back, granting her a few moments alone in the private garden.

"Malik!" she exclaimed with a mix of joy and excitement, struggling to maintain her composed facade.

"Ratna, how are you? What's been happening? Why haven't you been writing to us?"

"Malik, please calm down," Ratna soothed, trying to comfort her anxious friend who bombarded her with a flurry of questions.

Thus, she explained her situation,

"How could he do something like that to someone he barely knows? Being infatuated with women is one thing, but forcing someone to become his mistress? It's absolutely insane! What on earth is going on in his head?" Malik's voice burned up with anger.

How does that old fart have the audacity to add yet another mistress to his collection? With already 20 of them, does he aim to populate the entire nation with his offspring?

He added, "Ratna, don't worry. I'll make an escape plan for you. We can-"

"Malik," she hastily cut him off, her voice filled with urgency.

"There is someone I want to protect here." Ratna gently rubbed her belly, as if conveying the unspoken truth to Malik.

"I'm pregnant."

Malik staggered backward, nearly falling on his back from the weight of the revelation.

"Running away could put this little one at risk. It saddens me to know that this child carries the king's blood, but I can't help but love this innocent life."

"Ratna," His eyes display sorrow and somewhat regret

"Malik, please take good care of my mom. When the time comes, I will make sure to make it out of here safely. For now, I want this child to grow up healthy and happy. Please keep in touch with me and write letters for me in secret. The king shouldn't know about any of our conversation,'' She spoke urgently, her voice laced with tension, as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed from the main gate.

"Sneak the letters between the bushes in this garden every Wednesday," she reminded him, her words rushed. "Convey my love to Zurina and Ahmad." With that, she dashed towards the source of the sound, disappearing into the distance.

He sat there, alone.

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