5 | Black

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Chapter 5 - Black

Jun couldn't force himself to sleep as that traumatic event shown in his dream just now.

His tired eyes staring at the wall blankly. As he touches his mother's locket, he clutches it in his sweaty palm as he sunk his face on the pillow.

Tears dripping down, there's no sign of him stopping anytime. It's not easy to continue living like it was nothing after he lost his most precious one. After all that very figure raised him, protected him and took care of him with utmost love.

He is not someone that easily cries, even when he is bullied by the princes or whenever he's having a hard time. But tonight, he cried to his heart's content just like a lost kid.

He tries to calm himself down.

'This hot chocolate will give you comfort. Try it,' A note has been left hanging on his front door.

'Uncle Malik?' He looks around to find him but his shadow couldn't even be seen in that dark ambience. Did he hear that? Jun's cheek suddenly reddened, the thoughts of Uncle Malik being there when he cries is unbearable.

He then catches a sound of wood creaking like someone opening the front door.

"Uncle Malik, you're not asleep yet?,"

"Oh, Jun. Come, beside me. Is the hot chocolate good?," Uncle Malik greets him warmly.

"The hot chocolate tastes good! Thank you,"

"It's hard to sleep isn't it? Especially in this new environment,"

"Yeah, a little hard,"

"Wanna take a look around the town?,"

Jun looking confused, "at 3 am in the morning?,"

"Just the perfect time to have a walk," He offers his hand to Jun, that young boy sure is bewildered but he doesn't refuse it.

Uncle Malik leads the way with a dim light candle.

"Where are we going?,"

Uncle Malik did not answer, he just gave the boy a little smile.

As they arrived at the place, Uncle Malik suddenly lay down with his hands behind his head. Jun looks around and it seems like they are in a spacious ground, there is no one except them, the ambience is dead silent and the breeze is cool.

Jun also laid himself down.

"Beautiful isn't it?," The night sky was aglow with millions of stars. It was indeed remarkable.

"No word could describe this," Jun's eyes beaming with sparkle as he looked upon the stars as it was shining like the brightest diamond, truly a magnificent sight to behold.

"Have you ever done this at home?,"

" Nope, never. Ouh but there's one time I lay down in the middle of the royal forest with my friend and we talked until late at night," A big grin imprinted on his face

"What's your friend's name?," Uncle Malik tossed to the side and raised his head to properly look at Jun's face.

"Syahkim, he's my only best friend,"

Uncle Malik  flinched a little after hearing that familiar name, but then he asks again

"What is he like?,"

Jun chuckled a bit before continuing "He's the dumbest person I've ever met! Always play around and be rebellious. Thank goodness he is very strong ," his smile is as bright as the stars in the sky, too delighted when it comes to Syahkim.

Uncle Malik feels content hearing Jun's excited voice as he speaks about his little friend. He keeps hearing until Jun finishes his story.

Jun shares his story about how he always escaped his class because he hates it so much and he has hung out with Syahkim ever since. One of the most memorable things they ever do is pretend to be an army and catch a chicken together.


"Captain Hairy , the chicken is defenseless. Should we make a move now?" Jun whispered but it was enough to reach Syahkim who stood opposite him.

"Sergeant Bob, it seems like the chicken wants to trick us. We should wait a little longer," they use each other's false name as if it was a secret mission.

"Okay, I will wait for your order,"
Jun stands by the net and some other tools to catch it. If they were lucky the chicken could be their dinner. 

"Wait, 1 2 3 go!," They sprinted towards that chicken as it tried to break loose from their hands.

"Captain Hairy! It's been 2 days! We finally catch it," Jun almost jumps as they succeed to catch the chicken they've been eyeing for the past two days.

"Sergeant Bob! I almost cried," They hugged each other to celebrate their blood sweat and tear achievement.


A thunderous bang was heard from the castle, it was so loud that they accidentally let the chicken escape.

"What is that?," Both of them were startled by that sound. "Its resonance even makes the birds fly away"

"Come!," Syahkim pulls Jun's hand and sprints to the palace.

As they arrive in front of the palace, there are so many people. The princes, the servants and the maid are all there too.

" What happened? ," Syahkim asks one of the servants in front of them.

" Your highness, your mentor is about to be exiled today," the servant said as she swept away her tears.

"What?!," without a care in anything else, Syahkim runs forward and leaves Jun behind.

Jun was dumbfounded. His mentor? you mean  'The black sword'?. The Black Sword is a nickname that is given to the country's beloved hero. Everytime he leads Saputra army in war, they will always come back with excellent glory.

Syahkim always boasts about how lucky he is to get a chance to study directly from The Black Sword himself. Well, there are three general that have always been people's talks. The Black Sword, Saputra Iron Fist, and The Great Ahkam.

Their nickname is given to them by the locals and it is more famous than their actual name. Sadly Jun has never once met any of them as 'girl' is strictly prohibited to enter boys practice grounds.

Suddenly the crowds clamoring and went more panicked as they saw two men with their hands tied and their heads covered being pushed forcefully out of the palace. They were forced to walk with bare legs that had been shackled with a big rock. A totally pitiful sight for Saputra heroes.

"NO!! MY TEACHER HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG !! PLEASE FREE HIM!!," Syahkim shouting maniacally. The guards forcefully hold onto him to prevent him going to them.

Jun abruptly stops talking and suddenly his expression changes.

" Jun? uncle Malik firmly pressed Jun's shoulder.

"After 2 years of their banishment, Tuscanians came and attacked the palace. They knew our defense had been weak after that 'so called mighty king' banished them. The palace has been set on fire and they killed anyone they set their eyes on," Jun gritted his teeth in anger as he clenched his fist. "My mother died because of that,"

Uncle Malik went silent ,his eyes having lost it light. It was blank and his expression was somewhat remorseful.

"Have you seen my sword?,"

"I think i caught a glimpse on it,"

"Could you tell what color is it,"

I think the color is.... BLACK?!

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