3 | He cannot live with us

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After days of journey from Sandini to Hannan Village, they finally arrive.

The residential area is located deep in the bamboo forest and the houses built in that area are spaced apart. The horse slows down its pace, indicating that they are almost arriving at Uncle Malik's house.

It is a medium sized house, light blue in color with a smoke gray roof. The house looks very striking from afar because the house compound is decorated with various types of flowers .

"Arjuna, wait here a minute. I want to tie up my horse,"


Then after Jun's left all alone, he tries to examine the house from every corner. It looks pretty decent. Well, although it is not as huge as his previous home, this one is already good enough for him.

In an instant, someone attacks Jun from behind and his face is already on the ground, unable to process what just happened. He tries to react to the attack, but the person's grip is pretty strong.

After a while struggling to turn his back to take a look at that person, he flinched at the sight of a sharp sword that was being pointed to his face right now.

A young girl with short black hair is 'greeting' him with a 20 inch sword on her hand. Her gaze is cold and her expression seems like it is filled with strong killing intense.

" What are you doing at my house?" her husky voice asks in a low tone. Calm and collected but her action's definitely are not.

'Scary!' .He's still startled by the sword, who is she ? Its not like he's doing something wrong ?

" W..Wait ! What are you doing right now?! Its not what are you thinking at all !" Helpless, jun's frenzied mind is a blank until he feels the force in the girl's grip.

"Hanis!," the voice sounds distant but it keeps getting nearer.

'That voice is familiar.... Uncle Malik!' Jun widen his eyes in delight when he finds out that Uncle Malik is coming so that he can save him.

The young girl seems to be distracted by Uncle Malik's voice and lowers her guard. Jun's taking advantage by kicking away the sword and locking the girl's arm behind her back.

"YOU!" that girl is stunned and  furious by the act and tries to fight back.

Both of them are infuriated by each other's act of 'greetings'. They're pulling hair, punching each other's faces and kicking each other's limb.

'Why is Uncle Malik taking too long ? ' this young girl's strength could'nt be taken lightly, her speed and skills are also immaculate

'Have you been raised by a bear? Your hand is exceptionally strong!'

 But he cannot give up right now, this is a fight between egos, die or live is the only answer.

"HAHAHAHAHA, what an extraordinary way of introduction,"  those two kids is too distracted until they cannot sense Uncle Malik's presence there.

Jun swiftly ran behind Uncle Malik's back to get protection .He's desperately catching his breath.

Uncle Malik's chuckle, " This is my beautiful daughter, Hanis." Uncle Malik pulls Hanis's arm gently to close their distance.

'Beautiful my ass! She's almost got me shitting my pants!' - " Yeah, she looks beautiful" Jun speaks involuntarily different from his thought, he tries to make up for his mistake by giving his sweetest smile to Hanis. Of course, Hanis replies with a look of pure disgust to him. 

" Hanis , this is Jun,"

" Dad, I don't like his manner," Her face shows how much she disdains Jun.

Jun and Hanis give each other a hateful look, their condition is the same right now, blood dripping out lightly from each other's nose, messy hair, and shirts that are fully covered with dust. It seems that the fight ended with a tie.

'Yeah girl, we're the same. I don't like you either
Jun once again grinning from ear to ear hearing Hanis's hateful words towards him. He doesn't want to show Uncle Malik that he doesn't like his daughter either.

Uncle Malik could feel the sense of tension between those two "We can resolve this by having a cup of tea, let's take a break first,"

Both Jun and Hanis obey Uncle Malik's order. 

They set their foot carefully as the stairs being a little slippery. 

People says, everyone has a fair amount of good luck and bad luck in their life. But now, as if the amount of Jun's good luck has suddenly disappear, his slipped and dramatically tripping over the stairs while  accidentally grabs Hanis into the small pond approximately beside the stairs. 'No! not in the moment like this!'

They're now drenched from head to toe.Hanis's corner lips slightly twitching and spontaneously, she grabs a fish on the pond by its tail and slaps Jun across his face.

" It was unintentional ! Ouchhh!!" it stings . " I said it wasn't intentional!," 

Then, once again they continue their fights. Uncle Malik's sigh heavily. This is much harder than what he thought. Those two definitely cant stay together in this house.

After several minutes, Jun and Hanis finally calm down and sit properly in the living room  after Uncle Malik grabs them by their ears and shuts them up.

"Okay,Hanis this might be a little confusing but this is Arjuna. He's 10 years old, 2 years younger than you. He's from Sandini and right now he needs a little help. We need to accommodate him for a little while as he has no place to go. I'm planning on building small temporary house for him while searching someone that could take care  of him. I will also teach him basic of martial arts alongside with you

Jun's face is beamed with joy. Martial arts is something that he's keen to learn since a long time ago.

"Dad, why're we suddenly have to take him to live with us? a total stranger at that?,"

Hanis refuse to accept that her father suddenly wants to take a stranger home.

Uncle Malik smiles lightly and  his eyes in crescent shape. He looks kind and warm. On the other hand, his daughter looks gloomy and cold.

"Jun, would you like to take a stroll outside? I want to have a talk with Hanis for a while,"

Jun immediately understands that Uncle Malik tries to smoothen things with her daughter . He knows that it is not easy for someone to accept a new stranger  to live with them.

Hanis's opinion is important and Jun doesn't want to put a high expectation that she will accept him instantly,at this point he considering maybe orphanage is a good choice for him. He thought Uncle Malik definitely doesn't  want his daughter to feel miserable with his presence.

Something suddenly makes its way to Jun's leg. Jun, who is really afraid of that furry creature shaking in fear and disgust.


meanwhile, Uncle Malik tries to explain to Hanis as the reason why he wants to take care of Jun.

" why don't you just simply send him to the orphanage. We cannot suddenly trust him and give him a place to stay,"

"Hanis, our country is in chaos now. Yesterday, the palace was burnt to the ground. People have to stop their work to protect the palace and the royals . Plus, some places have been invaded by Tuscanville's army . Every orphanage will refuse to take him right now because there are so many abandoned kids after all that happens, Plus,it is just temporary, only until our situation become better,"

"He lost his mother, and now he has nobody left . No family or friends,"

"He lost his mother?," Hanis voice is filled with sympathy. She really understands the feeling of losing someone close and now she's having a hard time to decide.

It took a very long time but at the end, she tells her father that she's okay with his decision as long as Jun lives in the other house.

Uncle Malik is delighted by her statement and immediately calls for Jun. However there is no response.

" Jun? "

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