1 | A boy

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There are hundreds of footsteps approaching Ratna and her son

Her breathing fluctuated indicating that she is no longer able to continue her next step. Blood dripping from all over her fragile body while she's still embracing her son.

Arrows and spears flew through the forest wildly and freely like eagles searching for their prey. Her leg, which was injured from the attack, limited her ability to run further. The best decision she could take now is hiding behind the bushes and enormous trees in the forest.

"Mom! You're bleeding all over your body! I'm scared !" that poor little boy trying to wipe his mother's blood and cover the wounds with a piece of his cloth.

"I'm okay sweetie, close your eyes and ears."  She's rubbing her son's cheek softly while trying to assure him that she's okay.

"Come, hug mama."

Ratna doesn't know if it just in her mind that this hug feels so warm and comfortable and she doesn't want to let it go . It would be nice if time actually froze.

Jun, her son, tighten his grip and suddenly asking "Mom, are we going to die?" The boy rested his head on his mother's shoulder, trying to control his quavering tone.

her eyes opened abruptly.

She's got no answer for that question.

She doesn't know.

Unbridled tears flowing down to her cheeks, unable to control her emotions any longer. She actually feels that death is just one step away from her, she suppresses her shaking voice."Jun..."

She clutch her dress tightly before she broke the hug, firmly place her grip on her son's shoulder,

" Listen, Jun. Whatever happens, you must save yourself ! Take this locket with you" she places a heart shaped locket on his hand.


"Jun! Survive and live a beautiful life! My only wishes is for you to-

Ratna couldn't finish her words when someone suddenly come and attack her with spears on her back.

Blood splattered everywhere, she couldn't move a single muscle nor could she feels anything right now, she stumbled and her body is lying on the ground. Her eyes watching his son, for the last time. She really regrets not being able to say that she really loves him.

"Jun, run!"

The boy is stunned, unable to think.


He unconsciously moves his feet and sprinting as fast as he could across the forest.

The sounds of cicadas and insects went blurred. His feet feel sore and his heart is shattered.

He's just a little boy, he couldn't survive, he can't. That's what Jun thought to himself.

The small pair of legs become numb and he stumbled upon a big log. That petite figure lying face down to earth.

His body is shaking like crazy.

Out of the blue, someone snatched his body and hold him tight.

A man in black embaracing him in his arm before slashing his sword across the people that want to catch them.

After all of the people die, the man rides the horse and holding Jun with his left hand. A tap is given to that horse  as a sign to sprint forward, the horse galloping really fast leaving the rest of the people behind.

Jun's breathing slowly becomes normal and eventually, he bursts into tears.

His hand is clutching on that shirt, buried his face onto the man's chest. Crying out loud.

The man's slowly giving Jun a few taps on his back. Knowing that the boy is in a lot of pain.

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