2 |Live in Misery

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" How are you feeling now?",

While they're on the journey, the boy stops crying out loud for a while, maybe he is too exhausted.

There is no response from that little boy, not a single words utter from his mouth.

There's not a glimpse of light in Jun's eyes, completely portraying his feelings right now.

A sudden urge of guilt suddenly showered into the masked man's feelings.

'Of course, he must be shocked. After all, he almost die back then.'

"I will find  house of treatment quickly. Please, hang in there for a while," The mysterious man in all black attire with face covered with silk mask try to assure Jun that he will be fine in a soft and sweet voice. His appearance is a total opposite of his character, which is kind, soft spoken and calm.

The boy just reply with a nod. He couldn't think of anything right now, everything happens in a blink of an eye.

After half an hour, they finally arrived to the house of treatment.

"Doctor, this boy is injured badly on his legs, other than that he might suffer from severe trauma. Please save him,"

"Don't worry, I will try my best" This time, a man in all white take his turn to treat Jun's wounds with his tools and medicine.

It took an hour to cover all of his wounds and bandage his legs.

"Arjuna, I left you here for a while, I need to go somewhere for a minute. If you need anything just call my name, you got it ?"

Again, Arjuna doesn't respond, his eyes wandering around the room.

As a doctor, he understands Arjuna's behavior. According to the number of his wounds, that child might have suffer trauma because of severe beatings or scratches from sharp objects .

Then, he takes a step out of the medication and treatment room to have some discussion with the man who brings Arjuna there.

"Sir, after some thorough examination, I've concluded that the boy's fine physically. He just needed to be treated for the small wounds that he had all over his body. However, he is passive and pessimistic when I ask him a few question,"

"Yeah, he's been really quiet since the first time I found him . It's okay doctor, Thank you so much. I will bring him home and treat him well,"

"Okay, please follow to the treatment room to check out on him," 

They heard a loud crash from the room Arjuna in.

Both of the doctor and the man in black hastily go back to the room to check after him.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING !" The doctor immediately stops Arjuna who is aggressively trying to chug on various types of liquid in the room.

"Please let me die, sir! I don't wanna live anymore," The boy is begging desperately, trying to hold onto the doctor's coat.

"Boy, please let the doctor take care of you first. I know you're sad but you can't do yourself like this. Die would never be an option for better ending." The man in black rubs the boy's back gently as he tries to convince him to prevent from doing something that could harm his health

"Sir , it seems that we need to examine him all over again. Those liquids are poisonous and it could lead him to die,"

" Please do whatever you can, doctor,"

After a moment , it has been ascertained that the boy is in a good condition and now they're back on the road again to continue their journey.

The man takes Arjuna on his horse and brings him to a tiny stall a little far from the house of treatment. That is the nearest stall he could find, so they might as well have their dinner there.

Arjuna's face sat in sullen silence, tears and snots are smooched all over his face but he wouldn't care less about it. 

"Boy, what is your name,"

"Arjuna...but my mother calls me Jun,"

"Let me guess, you're ten years old?"


" My name is Malik, you can call me Uncle Mal"


Malik giggles softly as if he can read into Arjuna's mind.

"I may seem young but I'm already 33. I already have a daughter, "

He tries to appear friendly and nice to Arjuna, with hopes that the boy will open up his heart to him.

"Sir, just leave me alone. How can I continue living after this?," Jun gave a yowl of anguish and covered his face with his trembling hands, sobbing aloud in deep sorrow. His shoulder were shaking as he sank to his emotion.

Malik's heart moved with compassion , " Can you please tell me what happened to you?,"

"My mom's dead ! She was killed in front of me and now I have nobody else.." He utters word by word in his choked voice.

"Your mom?! How did it happen? " Malik is also panicking, trying to give a cuddle to Jun in hesitation.

Arjuna shares the story about how he and his mom was threatened by the army, his choked voice shattering the tranquility of the night.

'  Who would have thought a little boy would have gone through this kind of sorrowful event?'

"The people that you fight earlier, they invaded the castle and tries to kill everyone there, including my mother, she...she is a royal servant," Arjuna's stuttering but his voice is clear.

"I know about the invasion and the rampage that happens, that's why I come all the way to Sandini. Do you have any family members left ?"

"No, I don't have,"

Those two figures exchange words and words until late at night. It is cold and silent as the stall was closed a little while ago.

Malik succeeds in convincing Arjuna to not harm himself anymore , in exchange he will help Arjuna to find his mother's corpse and bury her in an appropriate way in order to respect her.

Arjuna feels a lot better after he knew that someone would find his mother for him. He also eventually accepts his mother's death and wants to seek a beautiful life that she wishes for him. His eyes are still sore and bright red because of crying , but he's more composed than before.

"Jun, do you want to live with me for a while? I will take care of you,"

Arjuna slightly nods to that offer. Furthermore ,he doesn't has anybody to take care of him. Uncle Malik is his life savior.

A bright smile forms on that man's youthful face. "Come, let me take you to my village, Hannan Village"

"Hannan Village?"

"Yeah, and i will introduce you to my daughter, Hanis"

Arjuna grinning ear to ear hearing that.

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