5|* The Bully

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After Ethan and his bunch of friends left us, we decided to go to class so as to have our first subject which is biology, I was happy that I could no longer see his face but luck wasn't on my side cause our biology teacher told us that we are having a combination class with the seniors. GUESS WHAT! IT'S ETHAN'S CLASS, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK.

"Ok students, today is our mixed class with the seniors and I want u all to be of best behaviour, ok". She said as she looked at Ethan.

"Yes ma'am". Everyone chorused. Before the class began, we all sat down for the class to begin. As I looked at the back of the class, I meet Ethan who was also looking at me with a smile on his face. I looked away and started feeling suspicious of his expression cause I knew he was up to something, but I didn't take it that serious and I sat down to prepare for the class. Five minutes later, the class began with Naih sitting beside me, everyone paying attention to Mrs Prisca, who was giving us an explanation about the excretory organ. After fifteen minutes of explaining, She began to ask us some questions on the topic she explained to see if we were all paying attention. She said Naih, Drake and some few students and of course they answered the questions correctly. She looked towards Ethan who was trying to block his face with his literature book cause he loves reading novels. Mrs Prisca called him and asked him to answer the questions.

"Mr Ethan Porsche, can u pls stand up and answer my question". Mrs Prisca said while looking at Ethan with a stern look.

"Me, are u talking to me". He said while pointing to himself.

"Ethan, are u blind. Of course it's u I'm talking to or do we have another Ethan in here". She yelled at Ethan.

"Oh, ok ". Ethan said.

"What is the excretory organ of a fish". She asked with a questioning face.

"How the fuck do u expect me to know the damn answer to this fucking question". He said while doing the air quote sign.

"Ethan, excuse me don't u dare try to use the f word in my class again. U are going to remain standing as a punishment for not answering my question". She yelled at him angrily.

I raised my hands up to answer the question only to hear Ethan laughing, I ignored him and confidently tried to stand up but I couldn't. "That's strange". I said as I tried to stand up.

"U are delaying the teacher, can't u get Ur fucking butt off the chair". He said while laughing.

"I'm trying but I can't". I said as I was struggling to get up. I tried to stand up with the seat only for me to hear a stripping sound, I looked back and saw that the back of my shorts had torn leaving my pants to be exposed. I suddenly died out of embarrassment. I could feel tears dropping down my cheek as I saw everyone laughing at me including Ethan who was even laughing the hardest. It was then I knew that he had an hand in this. Naih quickly used her sweater to cover my exposed pants and took me out of the class to the toilet so that I can change.

"Girl, are u ok". She curiously asked me.

"I'm fine". I said while trying to clean my tears.

"Who could have done this to u, I swear if I find the prick who did this to u I will beat the fucking hell out of that prick.

"U don't need to do that, I'm fine ok". I said when I know it's was Ethan who did this.

"Should we go back to class". She ask.

"No, the class will soon be over anyways". I said with a smile.

"Ok, we can go to the cafeteria". She smiled at me.

"Sure". I said while laying curses on Ethan in my mind. We left the toilet and went to the cafeteria where lot of people were included Ethan and his gangs. Our eyes met, but I looked away. I went to grab some food at the counter and walked over to an empty seat with Naih. Not to long, Ethan came to my seat and sat beside me .

"Hey there pumpkin". He said with a smile.

"Ethan, pls get away from here". I said softly.

"This is just the beginning of my torment, be expecting more". He whispered in my ears.

"Get the fuck out of here". I yelled at him before standing up with my tray and going towards the exit.

"Where the fuck are u going to". Ethan asked as he ran after me and pulled my hands. As I turned, my plate went up and landed on my head. My hair was filled with spaghetti sauce and of course spaghetti. Everyone in the cafeteria were laughing at me even Ethan. I got angry and lashed out on him.

"What the fuck is Ur problem huh Ethan, what the fuck do want from me u motherfucking dick. Why are u so bent in tormenting my life, I didn't do anything wrong to u but why do u hate me so much,huh. U bully me at home and now in school. What the fuck is wrong with u". I yelled as tears roll down my cheek.

"What's wrong with u, chill". He softly said.

"Just let me be, is that hard to ask. Leave me alone. U are hurting me so much, Ethan". I said as I stormed out of the cafeteria leaving Ethan speechless and worried.

"I didn't mean to". He said while looking at Naih.

"That's so uncool of u Ethan, I didn't expect u to be like this. What u did isn't right and u need to apologize to Bayley when u get home". She yelled at Ethan before leaving the cafeteria.

I left the cafeteria with tears in my eyes, I have never been humiliated like this in my life. Ethan really hurt me soo much but that doesn't mean I will quit babysitting his siblings.

"Bayley wait up, where are u going to". Naih ran to me and hold my hands.

"I want to go home". I cried.

"Ok but how, school isn't over and u can't just go by yourself". She smiled.

"U are coming with me". I smiled a little.

"Yah, of course I am. I can't leave u alone. We have to sneak out of here". She laughed.

"But how". I asked.

"I will drive u home". Drake said as he came from behind.

"Did Ethan send u, is this one of u guys pranks again". Naih looked at him angrily.

"No,no I came by myself. Truth be told I warned him not to do anything stupid but he is just too stubborn. I didn't like how he humiliated you so openly like that". He said .

"Aren't you his friend". I asked.

"So, I don't like when my friend does what is bad". He laughed." So can I take u guys home".

"Fine, sure". We said as we sneaked out and zoomed off.

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