9|* 🌸Decisions🌸

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I left the library still thinking about what Ethan did to me. I don't know if I should trust him fully, but .......

"Hey girl what are you thinking about, lost in thought or something". Naih said as she stand beside my locker.

"Of course, I'm daydreaming about one of the guys from vampire's diaries, aren't they just handsome ". I dramatically laughed.

"Girl, you aren't helping at all. Are you sure you are ok". She held my hands

"Of course I am, you know what why don't we just go to class and study, ok". I don't want Naih to get worried about me, I needed to handle things on my own.....

"Bayley Cotessa Benison if you don't tell me what is going on in that fucking head of your, I swear I will...."

"Calm down girl. I will tell you but promise you won't freak out ". I pleaded.

"U got my back Tessa, I promise pretty please ". Naih always love to call me Tessa cause that's my middle name.

"Fine..... Remember when I told you about me and Ethan". I shyly said .

"Yeah, you guys got yourselves into a dumb argument. I am sure you guys are enemies ". Naih laughed.

"Well we are actually friends now...". I managed to say .

"Wow, that's great... You guys are now friends. Enemies to lovers ship, oh I love it " Naih clapped her hands.

"Well we actually..... Eerm, we......".

"We what, girl spill out the fucking beans ". She yelled.

"Ok We kissed but I swear it was a mistake". I blurted out. Naih just looked at me before screaming out so loud. "Girl be quiet will you pls". I said quietly.

"I'm sorry but it is just so hard to believe like you kissed Ethan like fucking Ethan the hottest guy in school that every girl is craving for. OMG, girl he likes you and I mean it". She said .

"Don't just jump into conclusions, I mean he is a player and players don't fall in love and I don't like him ". I yelled.

"Hmmm, yeah sure that's what you said when you first met Kelvin. You were like oh I don't like that jerk, he's weird and annoying and later on you fell for him ". She rolled her eyes.

"Don't compare kelvin with Ethan. They are different ". I nervously said

"Hmm, different in the terms that kelvin means a lot to you, he is your ex boyfriend, your first love, blah blah blah, while Ethan on the other hand is a jerk who you don't trust and had no meaning in your life". She said

"Ethan isn't as important as Kelvin". I yelled.

"Girl can you just listen to yourself, Kelvin cheated on you and you are here still defending him, wow". She yelled.

"I just want to move on and forget about him but it is hard ". I said softly

"No it isn't, try and trust Ethan, be close to him and trust me you will forget about him".

"Really ". I said

"Yeah, come on let get out of here and go for some shopping ". She held me as she dragged me out. As we were leaving, someone bumped into us. Guess who Ethan and Drake.

My Life With Ethan And His SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now