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"I hope y'all brought your swimsuits like I told y'all," Amelia said, finishing her apple juice. "Yes" could be heard around the room. We decided to have a beach day today since everyone would already be here. After chatting for a bit, I went to change with Taz following me. "Uh, sir, where do you think you're going?" I said, stopping him at the steps. "With you, who else," he said, giving a confused look. "I'm about to get changed; you can wait outside right there in the living room," I said, giving in to my privacy he did as I said.

Looking through my drawer, I found a brown two-piece, accessorizing it with a green beach wrap and a sea shell waist bead I made a while back. Leaving my hair in its natural fro, I didn't wear any makeup, but my lashes were done. After taking a couple of pictures and posting them on my story, I went downstairs to pack the cooler.

I dragged out this big Yeti cooler from the garage while Tiny just watched me struggle. "Boy, if you don't bring this in the kitchen, I know something," I said, walking out and letting him do the work. I packed fruits, chips, water, and some brownies Jazzy had made in the cooler. I made a reminder to shop at Chick-fil-A and Publix to get liquor, snacks, and nugget ice (iykyk).

Tiny, Amelia, Taz, and I drove in one car, while Hakeem, Jela, Vito, and Jazzy drove in the other. My car carried the cooler and chairs, and Jela's had the canopy. Thank goodness Taz offered to drive because the beach was far.

When we got to Publix, I jumped in the cart, and Taz pushed me down the aisles. "You get the pinwheels; they're so good," I pointed as he grabbed it, looking at the label. "Really, I've never had," he said, shrugging and tossing it behind me. "You need to; it'll change your life." Soon, we were greeted with a skipping Tiny and Amelia holding something in their hand. "Lemme see what you got... of course, you got watermelon," I said, taking the packaging out of his hand and into the cart.

We were able to make it through traffic, making it to the beach, sunny. At first, I just sat in the shade with the girls, eating the ice, not even the snacks. I turned to see Taz in the water with the guys. He was looking extremely attractive; I couldn't deny it. "If y'all don't get in this water," Vito yelled from the water. "It is getting a little crispy; let's go," Jazzy said, dusting off the sand.

"Let's play Marco Polo," Tiny suggested. "Boy, you're so childish," Amelia said, splashing water. "You love my childish ass," he said, splashing back. But we continued to play anyway, with Taz being 'it.'

Taz counted down loud as the rest of us tread through the water, silent laughter accompanying us. I made sure to splash water in his face before I retreated, snickering when his head jerked backward in surprise. He shook his head in amusement and continued to count down. Everyone scattered around the sea when he finally reached 0. "Polo," the group responded, while I merely mumbled the words. I can't say I'm a fair player.

Unfortunately, his head immediately swiveled in my direction, his eyebrows furrowed in focus. I raised my arms in exasperation, shocked he even heard me. I clicked my tongue at the realization he was purposely targeting me. "Marco," he said again.

"Polo," we all say, and I see on his expression the second he locates me when a smirk forms. He wades through the water towards me, and I carefully push myself back to expand the distance. There was enough space between us for him not to feel the ripples of water as I move. A few rounds later, he's gaining on me at an unpredictable speed.



He was closer now, so close I subconsciously held my breath so he didn't hear even a peep out of me. I backed out too far; there was no escaping this. "Marco," he says too quietly for anyone else but me to hear given our proximity. "Polo," I grumble. Faster than I could expect, his arm darts out and wraps around my waist, pulling me against him. I shivered at the contact despite his warmth. He holds me against him for a second as my breathing becomes unsteady. A triumphant smile dazzling, "Gotcha," he whispers. Just then, he lifts me up, placing me on his shoulders. "Let's play chicken fight, y'all," he shouts.

After we finished up and packed everything, I packed a little overnight bag, spending the night with Taz. "It's giving full-grown women era," Jela said as she watched me pack. "It's giving she getting D down tonight," Amelia laughed. "She fin be coming back like Ms. Gypsy, 'that D is fire' head ahh," Jela wheezed from Amelia's comment.

"Y'all gotta chill out; ain't none of that freak shit finna be going on," I laughed off, zipping the bag. Taz waited for me in his car, opening the door when he saw me walk out. Settling in the car, I connected my phone to the aux.

This wasn't my first time at his house, but I always got awkward when here. He has this cute little cat named Knox that kept me comfort while I waited for Taz and whatnot. I sat on the couch watching "10 Things I Hate About You," my favorite romance movie. I would say I'm obsessed with romance movies, chilling with Knox, and seeing Taz walk in. He crossed his arms and began studying me. "It's not real, you know," he said, looking at the screen. I paused the movie and looked at him. "Excuse me."

He nodded at the screen. "Love, it's all fake bullshit." I rolled my eyes. "Good to know." He continued, "I'm serious, love doesn't exist." I was about to say something, but he already turned and left, hearing as the shower turned on. 'If he doesn't believe in love, then what am I doing here, like for real.'

I noticed my phone was dying. 'Out of all the things I forget, it's my charger.' I went into Taz's room to steal his, and while searching for the charger, I noticed a journal on his nightstand. A smile crept on my face as I snatched it and opened it to read a random page.

'God, she's so perfect. I love the sparkle in her eyes and the way she laughs; it's all music to my ears. I'm so fucking attracted to this girl. She's so remarkably intelligent. Her stubbornness turns me on too. My heart is racing even writing this. One day I'm going to lay her down, spread her apart, and...'

I shut the book so fast. I couldn't believe it, but I was breathing heavily. Hearing the shower turn off, I placed the journal back and rushed back downstairs, almost forgetting the charger.

'There's no fucking way. How could this man say love is fake but then write something like that?' I blankly stared, thinking about what I read. Could it be he was possibly talking about me? 'Naw, there's no way.' I snapped out of my gaze upon seeing Taz come into the living room.

"Let's play the Switch."

~any thoughts?

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~any thoughts?

~everyone getting boo'd up

~beach day with everyone a success

~is Taz a hypocrite

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