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Before I knew it, class was over. While packing my things and putting on my Beats, Taz stopped me after I said my goodbyes. He pushed the headphone bud behind my ear to get my attention, saying, "You just gonna leave like that before I can get your number, mama?" With a sly smirk, he held out his phone to the dial pad. Chuckling, I pulled out my phone, gave him my number, and said, "Alright then, I'll hit you up later, Siya." Without a response, I gave a peace sign and walked out the door. Now that it was lunchtime, since Jela and Amelia had left without me, I decided to enjoy some me time.

Parked in the Chick-fil-A lot, I walked in to dine in and save some time. When I reached the front of the line, I was greeted by a girl with beautiful sister locs, done lashes, and plumped lips – the whole nine yards. She was undeniably pretty. Just as I was about to pay, she complimented me, saying, 'Girl, you are just so pretty. Can I get your socials or something?' With a bright smile, I replied, 'Thank you! You're gorgeous too. I love the locs. Here let me give you my phone."

After the interaction, I felt pretty good about myself. Lately, a good sis has been feeling down; hopefully, that'll change soon. Almost finishing my meal, I got a text from someone saved as 'Big T? Who the fuck?' Clicking on the message thread to see, I realized it was 'Taz.' I ignored the message, putting a reminder in my head to reply later. Checking the time, I figured I should start heading back to my last class. Hoping not to bump into Taz— it's not that I don't want to see him; I'm just a little shy because he's so fucking smexy. How could I not?


Getting into my class, I was lucky to see Jela's little boyfriend Hakeem. 'Thank god, someone I know.'"

Throughout the class, I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. Brushing it off, I continued to write notes. "Hey, there's some guy staring mad daggers at you,"Hakeem whispered. "What does he look like?" I didn't want to look back like a fool. "Uh, tattoos, dreads, piercings, a little buff." It clicked – I wondered what he wanted. After what felt like forever, class was dismissed. As I walked out, I was snatched to the side. "Bitch, what the—hey, watch your mouth, missy," and there stood Taz, just the person I was trying to see. Great.

"Why you ain't reply to my message?" He lifted my head with a finger, pushing his hand down and stepping back. "I was busy," I said, adjusting my bag. "Girl, the only busy thing you were doing was busting down some fries," he chuckled, hinting at the Chick-fil-A cup in my hand. 'Sassy man apocalypse, I'm telling y'all.' Rolling my eyes, I just walked past him. "Where you headed, mama?" Taz jogged behind me after laughing at his lame joke. "Home, and my name is Siya," I said, stopping to pull out my keys. "Yeah, I know that, but mama's got a better ring to it ya know," Taz said, rubbing on his goatee, looking into the sky with a hand on his hip.

We had more of a chit-chat as he walked me to my car. Leaning on the roof, our conversation was coming to an end. "Damn, what car is this?" Taz asked, peeking through the tints to check out the interior. "Oh, it's a 2021 Audi R8," I answered, placing my bags in the car. "Yeah, I knew. Just wanted to see if you knew," he said. I laughed at him, finally saying bye and getting in the car, rolling down the window. He walked around the driver's side window, leaning down to its level. "Wow, so no goodbye hug?" he asked, grabbing his chest and pretending to be hurt. "Boy, bye. You can get this goodbye dap up," I said, giving him a dap, and he held onto it. "I see how it is. See you tomorrow, mama."

While I was driving to the house my besties and I shared, I received a call from my mom through the car speaker. She informed me she was hosting some coworkers for dinner and wanted me to meet them. "Make sure you wear a nice dress to show your curves," my mom said while preparing something. "Ok, mami, I'll see you later. Love you." I hung up before she could respond due to an incoming call from Amelia.

"I had Jela curl the back of my head as I finished my makeup. I decided to go with a black long-sleeve mini dress, tight but also flowing. I didn't do too much, so I slipped on some sandals, spraying a nice scent on me. Usually, I'd have the girls with me for dinner, my mom's, but this is different. I headed there early to help finish cleaning and set up."


I welcomed everyone at the door; as they came in, one even brought me a little present. "Oh Linda, I hope it's okay; I brought my grandson. He should be coming in any moment now."

'Great, the more, the merrier.' I took a seat at the far end of the table near the TV so I could watch while I ate. Just as everyone sat down, I heard someone enter. Not paying any mind, I fixed up my plate. "Sorry I'm late; I brought pecan pie." The same tall dreadlocked boy appeared in my vision in my dining room in my house. 'What. The. Fuck.' Catching his attention, he set the pie down on the island, taking a seat at the end of the table near mine. "There you are, boy. Everyone, this is my grandson, Taziano." I almost laughed at his government name. He caught on to that.

"I could tell he knew how to clean up well; he wore a turtleneck, probably to cover all those tattoos, and his diamond grill was out, revealing his straight, pearly whites. I give him props for the black cats. Just as everyone was digging in, I noticed his eyes on me every now and then, until I felt a vibration from my phone."

Taz 😒🤦🏾‍♀️

Wha u doin here?

I should be askin the same thing 🤔

Well my moms coworker invited her
I guessing u 2?

Ig my mom hosted ts randomly
U really shouldn't be on ur phone how rude of u Taziano

Oh u got jokes 😒 bet.

Oh u got jokes 😒 bet

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~any thoughts?

~ok ok Siya making friends

~her mom coworker happens to be Taz mom

~everyone is always connected

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