Don't Worry About The Winter

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"Jury rules, Guilty. On all charges." The judge hits the desk with her wooden gavel. "HanJun-Shii. You seem remorseless, cold, and frankly I don't think I have a clue as to why you're not already in jail." She shakes her head. "In addition to your sentence, I will put in a request for denying any appeals the court might grant you in the future."

Kai hears those words, echoing through the walls and bouncing back. But he doesn't really, really listen. At least not after hearing the words, the long-awaited sequence of words. Guilty.

They found him guilty.

On all charges.

He feels Taehyun squeezing his hand tightly, but he cannot squeeze it back. Too shocked to react whatsoever.

Guilty. As in going to jail. As in locked behind bars. As in can't even touch Kai if he tried his best.

The judge calls for a wide, inclusive investigation into Hybe after viewing the many incriminating evidence against their way of handling the case and the people involving it. Submitting charges such as intentional poisoning, attempted murder and physical assault.

"2 life sentences, with no chance to appeal." she sentences. "Court dismissed."

Taehyun looks to the side, his heart thumping till the end, and then, it settles. He fists his hands, holding his victory yell. It's exhilarating. The crowd seems pleased as well, yelling and cursing HanJun as he is walked to the door by the police officers on the scene.

Kai appears the most shocked, so much so that Taehyun wonders whether he's there at all. He's stone-faced, not blinking nor moving. He's just staring at his stepdad as he walks by the crowd.

"Kai... "Taehyun rubs his thumb on Kai's warm hand. "We won." he whispers. His smile grew wider, not believing it had worked out. "We did it... "

A yell erases Taehyun's smile and replaces it in a gasp. He pales

"Son of a bitch!!" The scream tears the air. "I'm going to kill you!!" HanJun attempts to fight off the officers, his eyes pinned at Kai and Kai only.

Kai gets up slowly, still a bit slow in his reactions. He and Taehyun push further back from the podium. His hand is stretched protectively in front of Taehyun, even when he knows there is no chance for him to get to them.

"I'll Kill you!!" HanJun thrashes in the police's arms, his gray hair falling everywhere and his eyes murderous.

"Settle down! Settle down!" The judge calls for the crowd to remain silent despite the sudden outlash. "Court dismissed, please evacuate the room for the next trial, thank you."

The officers drag him past the door, but his screams and threats are heard from the walls of the hall. Meanwhile the noise in the large room only gets louder as people exit, talking about the events of the trial with wide eyes and enthusiastic voices.


Kai looks down, then his back bends forward, just a little.

Before they notice, they're the only two in the room. With Beomgyu leaving to give them some privacy. Not to mention Yeonjun which he hasn't seen since the break. He knows he was here for the sentencing; he wouldn't miss it. Something Definitely happened for him not to check up on Kai right now.

"it's okay, we won... "Taehyun pats Kai's back. But it only sends him crumbling to the ground. Sobbing loudly.

He looks helplessly at the judge.

"You have 10 minutes." the judge reassures him. Packing her few things. "I'll see myself out."

Kai cries into his hands, face distorted in a way Taehyun had never seen. The sounds of his cries are new to Taehyun too. He had heard him choke up before; he had seen him cry before.

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