Paint A Picture

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"Silence! Silence in the court!" the judge hammered twice on the desk, the chatter and clicking of cameras died, replaced by unnerving quiet.

The back door next to the judge's chair opens, two police officer emerge holding the defendant. His hands are cuffs in front of him. He's being brought to the chair next to Mr. Kim's.

The courtroom is quite big. From where Taehyun and Kai are sitting. Apart from each other to not fuel the rumors surrounding the nature of their relationship. Despite what they had discussed earlier on, Taehyun finds himself glancing in Kai's direction multiple times.

Beomgyu, unlike his uncaring personality, suddenly reaches for Kai's hand. The younger's eyes staring straight at the man walking across them. Their eyes lock. His body turns stiff.

"You okay?"

His stepdad sits down, his back facing Kai. He finally tears his eyes away. "Yeah." he says in a weak breath. Not at all as convincing as he wants to sound.

Taehyun looks in front. Reminding himself not to let his worries be too apparent. They can check up on each other during the break. Right now, he needs to focus.

"If there is no new evidence. I think we may begin."

Taehyun shifts in his chair. Cold sweat coating his skin.

"What are they doing here?" Yeonjun's voice sounds aggressive. Taehyun looks around, confused.


Yeonjun nudges with his chin towards the seats on the other side of the aisle. Sitting on the third row from the end, Archie, wearing a cap and a mask, on his left 3 other guys, uncovered while on his right 2 guys, one with a split on his eyebrow and shaved head.

Apart from noticing Archie despite his lame attempt to hide himself. Yeonjun notices a weird exchange of looks between Soobin and the shaved head. He nods at Soobin, sending him a thumbs up.

What was that?

Soobin in return everts his eyes in a suspicious speed. Choosing to look at his lap instead. He clears his throat, clenching his jaw.


The taller jumps, eyes wide as he looks at Yeonjun, not having expected him to oversee the interaction. He bites the inside of his cheek so hard; it could bleed.

Creases form on Yeonjun's forehead. He again, looks over at the shaved headed man, but the other converses with Archie shortly before paying attention to the judge's words.

Luckily, Kai is too immersed in the start of the trial to notice the 6 people sitting among the big crowd.

The judge calls for the first witness to come to the stand. It's a young girl, younger than Kai by at least a couple of years. She proceeds in small steps, brushing the short bangs from her sweaty face. She's visibly anxious, fidgeting with her fingers and tearing the skin around her nails until it's raw.

Taehyun remembers her from the meeting with Mr. Kim. They even spoke on the phone. She was the easiest one to handle. Despite her age, she was meticulous with the way she described the events and answered all of their questions eloquently.

"you're a student at SNU?"

The girl nods to the question of the judge. The elder smiles in return, flipping the pages of the white stack on her desk.

"it's a respected University." She states a fact. "I hope you understand what lying in court means for the rest of your studies."

"Y-yes, ma'am."

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