Give Or Take

222 16 27

"Taehyun, you were just here 20 minutes ago. You ordered your regular drink....."

Taehyun shakes his head, head blurring as the world seems to collapse in itself. worried, distorted faces staring at him, waiting for him to be okay again.

he backs away, and brings his hands close to his face. wetting them with his tears.

"1..." he starts counting the fingers.

"2....3..4...." it's getting to blurry to see anything, but he keeps going.


he stops. halting his breath.

"...11......." ...

wake up.

he jolts up, covered in cold sweat. his heart races against his chest so aggressively that his ribcage might split open. the severe tremors can't seem to stop and he fall off the bed with a slight thud right on the soft blanket discarded there a while ago.

"1.." he starts counting frantically, moving the messy hair from pricking in his eyes.


The dizzying head ache seems to slow down, and Taehyun exhales in relief. This is reality, he's sure of it.

His relief however, is short living when he hears strange noises from the living room.

Taehyun freezes.

Did he come here with someone last night? What happened after the hearing?.....

He can't trust his mind anymore. The one thing he had always leaned on, was his intelligence.

It's playing games with him now. And now that his only wall of safety is gone.

A loud clear sound of a pan falling causes him to flinch, and he stands up slowly and makes his way to the door. Leaning his entire weight on the handle and nearly falls when it finally opens under his hold.

He stumbles across the hall, stepping over his feet and tripping at times.

Taehyun peaks his head from behind the wall, heart racing from anticipation and nerves of what or who he may find hiding in his house.

But to his surprise, he's not his by fear, or terror of an invader in his house.

Instead, it's the warm feeling of calmness. Relief, even a little spark of joy and amusement Spiking, when he sees the flour covering most of young boy's face and hair while he clumsily handles the pan.



*Previously last night*

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" Yeonjun comments while Kai goes to clean the tables for the third time. "I'm helping you because I care, I'm not looking for a return" he reminds him.

Kai flashes a grateful smile while grabbing another towel.

"I have to do something, even if it's as small as working here for a while. Plus, it helps me get my mind off the case. It's more for me than you, if you think about it"

Yeonjun, still not completely convinced but too consumed by the customers filling the bar, has to keep quiet and let the younger do as he pleases.

"Beom! We're our of rum!" He yells to the worker tending the tables on the other side of the place.


At that point, Soobin walks through the back door, giving Yeonjun two thumbs up as to say that the task is done.

Ignorance is a bliss/TyunningWhere stories live. Discover now