House Of Paper

154 14 36

"after that.. " Kai purses his lips "there was nothing much for me than to leave, I was already half foot out of my own house. but this time, I had nowhere to come back to when I was too hungry, or when I ran out of money."

Taehyun shifts on the couch, head leaning on Kai's chest while the younger mindlessly grazed his fingers back and forth. a habit Taehyun grow to like, and even craved the touch at times.

he debates whether or not to say something, but lets the silence fill the air while Kai struggles finding his next words.

"of course, I did what everyone would do in they were in my shoes. I applied for part time jobs here and there. got accepted to few as well as some modest apartments I registered for." Kai shrugs. "for a while, it seemed like everything was looking up for me."

Taehyun looks up, to catch a glimpse of Kai's expression. the blanket drops from his shoulders while he changes his posture, but he doesn't make an effort to pull it back.

Kai glances down, as he takes a breather. smiling softly at Taehyun.

"less than two months, my boss accused me of stealing from the inventory, and fired me." he continues while looping Taehyun's finger in his hands, and letting go again.

"did you?" Taehyun asks, although having a guess to what the answer will be.

Kai shakes his head, as expected.

"I thought about doing it, I admit. my paycheck could only cover the expenses of the apartment. so at times, it seemed easy to just slip my way to the back and grab a few things to fill my refrigerator with." he sighs. "stealing never sat right with me. despite thinking about it, I couldn't go through with taking something that isn't mine."

Taehyun hums, not knowing what else to do.

he has never met anyone with higher moral levels than Kai. it's weird a person life done so wrong still believes in what's good and bad.

as a "to be" lawyer. Taehyun has met his fair share of people who blamed their life story for their actions. and while the court did not take cases like that into account.

crime is a crime, no matter who you are.

Taehyun still believed some things are justified.

"I went to the place that hired me second but when I got there, they said they weren't looking for employees. that I must've gotten the wrong address." Kai's tone turns colder, and he stops playing with Taehyun hand, instead, letting his own arm rest on the couch.

"I tried for more jobs, but none would care to even interview me. so eventually, I stopped being able to afford my apartment, and had to pack up my things and look for another one."

"why didn't they hire you?" Taehyun suddenly asks.

"I know.. why didn't they." Kai smiles softly. "I went to at least 20 places, but they all said no, despite needing for staff." he clears his throat. "I found it weird too, why didn't they.. ? that's what I kept wondering. but looking back, I realized the reason was quite obvious."

Taehyun perks up, squinting his eyes at Kai and waits.

"My step dad was nervous I would tattled on what he did to my mom, so he made sure I was still aware of what he could do to me, the things he could take from me and ruin in an instant if I only dare open my mouth." slight shivers run through his back, and he holds Taehyun closer.

Taehyun on the other hand, scans Kai's face, feeling sad to see him frown. his eyebrows knitted over his pretty eyes, giving them a darker, gloomier look.

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