Chapter 2

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Jackie doesn't want to go out of our room right now, she told me that the family dog already caused some trouble and she would like to get a break, but I am really hungry. I guess I have to go on my own.
As I stepped on to the porch as I saw Katherine and George hugging while a hoard of kids played in the garden.

A boy I haven't seen before smiled at me "You have to be y/n, I'm Nathan."

Mirroring his expression I replied "Hi, nice to meet you."

"So, do you like playing guitar. I don't want to be that guy, but I saw you balancing your guitar and many other stuff up to your room."

I was embarrassed that there were witnesses of me nearly tripping because of my I wont walk twice attitude "I must have looked horrendous. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Oh I just didn't want to scare you, wich could have led to you losing hold of the new Burj Khalifa in your arms."

It's good to know that there are some nice boys in the house, "Well thank you then for not scaring me. By the way are you all like siblings, cause my uncle did tell me you're a big family but I didn't expect this many children."

He put a hand on the back of his head as he smiled "Okay I'm going to give you a crash course, the youngest is Benny he's quite cute but you really don't want to mess with him he's really competitive about his toys and his food, just as everybody else in this Family so beware. The girl, who was btw the only female child until you arrived, is Parker. She's very sportive and loves playing outside sports in the hallways or sometimes the kitchen. Then there's me, obviously. And Isaac -"

"the best looking, the most stylish and best looking guy on earth.. simply your new untouchable crush."

Turning around I faced the black haired guy from the couch. The one who was third wheeling with me when Alex and Jackie stared into each others souls. He was out of breath but he still managed to look good, but his looks definitely don't make up for his cruelty towards me before. But as his little quote now proved, he's also a stage three egoistic monkey.

"You flabbergasted or why are you staring at me? I know it's breath taking seeing me but please hold yourself back. This house is my only safe space from my fan girls, but I wouldn't mind one but I'm more into blondes so don't get your hopes up, just drool in quietness. It was worse enough having to carry around your trash"

I really didn't know what to say but, I don't like him, not one bit. I'm glad Nathan pushed me to the Burger table so I wouldn't have to stand in front of Isaac while staring at him even more and thinking of something to reply.

Something about him makes me lose my words. But I guess it would be a good distraction to mess up his attitude a little. But I won't start a fight, I have a feeling that he's going to start one first. It's smarter to be the one defending and slapping back instead of the one who's attacking first.

At the morning everything downstairs was a big colourful chaos I even heard it under my blanket.

Jackie suddenly spoke up after I turned around, trying to tune out the noise "You really have to get up now or else you'll miss breakfast"

Why is everyone so loud? "One more minute J, wait. You're already dressed?!"

After a quick reality check I jumped out of bed and put on my outfit wich consisted of a simple Jeans, a green pullover and my favourite zip hoodie. If Jackies going to dress up like a business owner It's my job to dress up as her polar opposite. I really don't want to get bullied or worse, stand out as much as J.

Yayo ~ Isaac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now