Chapter 3: Friends

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The next day

"Veneer!" Velvet yelled as she came into my room. "Uh, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked. "Hello? Hello in there!" She grabbed and pulled on my cheeks. "WAKEY WAKEY."

"Ow, what?" I groaned and Vel sighed. "You really need friends. You're over here staring at nothing, you seem so lonely. I mean you obviously have me but like, actual friends." She said. "You're talking like you have so many friends yourself." I say, "Ugh, I have so many friends."

"Like who?" I ask. "Uh, Tara, and Emma!" She says, well, lies. "Sure" I drag on the word sure. "I don't need friends anyway, I'm happy the way my life is. You on the other hand, you need someone. I can't take care of my baby bro forever." Velvet says and messes with some figures I have on a shelf in the corner of my room. "I can take care of myself. And you're only older than me by 3 minutes." I said. "I don't give a damn. You need someone! and I think I've got the perfect someone for you." She said and winked.

"Oh god, what? Who?" I say and sit against the wall on my bed. Velvet sat down next to me and searched for something in Google and showed me a photo of "Kid Ritz?!" I questioned. "Yes! Honestly, you both looked disgustingly adorable yesterday and I know a spark got flicked, whether it was love or friendship, that's for you guys to decide."

"I can't go out with Ritz." I say and frown looking down at my hands. "Why not? You guys don't have to date you can just be friends too." She says. "True. I just don't think we would work out though."

"Well, you never know till you try." She says and texts something into her phone. "I'd never get the chance." I said. "Ah, but that's where your amazing big sister becomes more amazingly amazing!" She pauses, "Oh god, what are you about to go on about..?"

"We've officially made it #1 on The Bop on Top. So now they're trying to interview us. And guess what special interviewer works also works for Bop on Top?" Vel asks and I shrug. "God you're so stupid sometimes. KID FUCKING RITZ! And if he interviews us later you will be able to talk to him again and maybe you can get his number!" She says excitedly.

"Okay, one problem. I'm in no way doing that." I say and cross my arms. "What?! Why? I'll leave you guys alone, or not if you want me to stay." She replies. "No, it's not that. I just think that I'd maybe die from a heart attack. I can't just walk up to him and ask for his number." I say and curl my legs up to my stomach. "Why not? If you don't wanna do that then just ask to be friends! Listen Veneer. You only live once and you are fucking VENEER! Everyone loves you. So I don't wanna hear any of this shit." She says, "Fine, I'll do it. When's the interview?" I ask. "Tonight at 7. Start getting ready at 5:30." She says and leaves the room.

Damn, what have I gotten myself into?

At 6:40 PM

We pulled up to the building they would be interviewing us in and Velvet talked to me before entering. "Remember stay calm, any chance you get go up to him and end up getting his number." She said. "Yeah, I'm gonna do it." I tell myself and her. We get out of our car and walk into the building.

"Don't let yourself get nervous." Vel says. "Yes, I know." I reply as we walk down a small hallway and find a girl that was waiting for us. "Velvet and Veneer! Hi! I'm gonna be helping you out today, my name is Isabel." Isabel said with a high-pitched voice. My sister just stood with her hip cocked out. "Nice to meet you, Isabel." I say. "Tch, take us to the place where we're getting interviewed." Velvet demanded. "Yes ma'am!" Isabel says and started walking toward some stairs. We followed.

It didn't take long for us to get to the room. My stomach almost did a flip when we walked in. Kid Ritz was already sitting at one of the chairs where we'd be getting interviewed. He turned to us and smiled as he stood up. "Velvet and Veneer! I'm so glad you could make it." Kid Ritz said. "Come sit!" He said and we walked over to the other chairs that were in front of him. "So when does this thing start?" Velvet asks. "Just a few minutes." Ritz paused. "Are there any questions that you guys know make you uncomfortable or that you won't wanna answer?" He asked. "No." Vel said and he looked at me. "Not that I can think of."

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