That's All Folks!

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We have reached the end of Christmas In The Fictional Realm!!! It's now official!! The last short story collection of 2023 is now over!!!! We had so many enchanting Christmas adventures! Where to start? A Kentucky woman buying a yellow Christmas tree, a woman hosting a Christmas party and gift exchange, Steven's pizza from Little Caesar vanishing into thin air, Santa eating Ken's Whopper, then getting beat up, Melissa Hoon involed into funny situations like always, Jasmine taking care of creepy dudes by spraying them in the eyes with pepper spray, Walter being persistent with having us eat corn bread, Andrea going to a Christmas shindig, Inner Critic getting bit by a pitbull, a Montana woman getting thigh high boots for Christmas, Artie and Allie on Main St, Tracey breaking her legs, after a nasty fall, Steven on the naughty list, the beach open in December, a dead mermaid encounter at Butternut Hollow, Steven behind bars for shoplifting, then Ken beats him up in his cell, Walter running out of mustard, a girl's gifts melting along with the Christmas tree, Kyle's phone getting taken away, and suspended after biting his teacher, the teens getting out of school for Christmas break, Iris joking about going to Bangladesh for Christmas, Jonathan leaving for Tennessee for Christmas, Iris getting her stolen Christmas tree back, Jasmine and Mel hanging out at a pizza place, Steven getting coal for Christmas, then gets beat up, Steven losing his DQ gift card, Elizabeth deined entrance into the magic box, due to no code, Steven not getting bailed out of a beating, Inner Critic's groceries dropping out of the bags, everyone moving out of Connecticut, Clyde being silly by making up tuna nuggets, Forgetfulness getting beat up at Taco Bell, and Steven getting beat up for being so naive!!! 2023 has been quite the year in the fictional realm!!! We had so many fun memories! I remember my first short story book Wacky Short Stories, which I started back in January!!! I want to thank everyone that has been supporting me all throughout this 2023 writing journey!! I had some ups and downs with that inner critic, but you guys always reached out to me to keep on writing! I won't be on this account anymore!! I'll be starting a new one, when its 2024! I had so much fun writing every short story collection this year!! My favorite one was Short Stories 2023, and also Marvelous Short Stories!! It's been real, guys!!! Here's to a fun and magical 2024 in the fictional realm!!! See you in the first short story collection of 2024!!!! Much love!!! 3>

In loving memory of Emma Diaz


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