Tuna Nuggets Clyde?

6 1 4

Carriage Crossing Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Clyde: I wish there was a thing called tuna nuggets!

Clyde's Mother: Never heard of them.

Clyde: I think McDonald's might be getting them soon!

Clyde's Mother: You made that up! Now, get to bed!

Clyde: Maybe, a tuna milkshake!

Clyde's Mother: Yuck! *beats up Clyde*

Clyde: *getting beat up*

Radio: *playing Meet Me Halfway by the Black Eyed Peas*

Clyde's Mother: *still beating up Clyde*

Clyde: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Sunday, December 31st, 2023. (New Year's Eve)

A/N Clyde is so silly!! There's no such thing as tuna nuggets! Or a tuna milkshake! Yuck! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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