Steven Ate All The Pizza And Hides 😅😅😅

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Steven: Wow, pizzas from Little Caesars! *eats the pizza from both boxes* Hit the spot! Let's see what's on TV!

Aiden: *Rhode Island accent* Hey, what happened to all the pizzas?!

Clyde: Someone ate them all!

Steven: *overhears* Zoot! I gotta hide! *quietly hides in a closet*

Ken: Who ate all the pizzas?

Clyde: We don't know!

Beatrice: Do you think it was Steven?

Steven: *gulps*

Ken: I'll beat him up! He's hiding somewhere!

Steven: *thinking* He'll never find me in here!

Ken: *opens the closet* Hi, Steven!

Steven: Uh, I need some privacy!

Ken: *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Stella: I'll get you guys some more pizza from Little Caesars. *leaves*

Ken: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Saturday, December 23rd, 2023.

A/N Steven, you can't stay hidden forever! You eat all the pizza, you got to pay your dues!! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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