Inner Critic Could Get Coal For Christmas

4 1 12

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

Inner Critic: I want this to be the best Christmas ever!

Jasmine: I was told you might get coal for Christmas.

Inner Critic: What? Who told you this?

Jasmine: I can't say. You criticize writers! How do you expect to get some gifts for Christmas, if you spew negative comments towards writers?

Inner Critic: Did Santa tell you this?

Jasmine: Like I said, I'm not at liberty to say. Much as I hate to tell you, you're in for a rough Christmas, IC.

Inner Critic: *nervously* Tell me you're joking!

Jasmine: I wish I was. Sorry. *shrugs* I'm going to Taco Bell, you want anything?

Inner Critic: Well.... I.....

Jasmine: I said, do you want anything?

Inner Critic: I'm not hungry.

Jasmine: Alright. *leaves*

Inner Critic: This has to be a joke! Otherwise, my Christmas is gonna be ruined!

This story was written on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023.

A/N Inner Critic, just accept the fact you could get lumps of coal for Christmas!!! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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