Side story 10

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Extra - 10

Meanwhile, the song ended, and the Queen's solo performance with her partner came to an end. The nobles applauded, and soon it became noisy as they stood up one by one. Zachary approached Bianca.

"Let's go."

Bianca smiled slightly at his straightforward words. She reached out and took Zachary's hand. The difference in size between their hands was of one or more knuckles.

Zachary's hand held Bianca's, and Bianca's hand was completely covered, leaving only the tips of her fingers visible.

The courante of Sevran was a dance that everyone performed together. Other nobles also went out in groups of two or three to the center of the grand banquet hall.

Among them were Gaspard and Yvonne. Yvonne's cheeks were slightly flushed when their eyes met, showing how much she had anticipated this moment, even though she pretended not to.

Those without a partner wandered around looking for one. If there was someone they liked, they would dance in front of that person and court them.

Since the courante is a dance that can be performed regardless of gender, there were some who approached the dance floor with their friends.

The performance continued, and the two moved their feet in line with the relaxed rhythm while holding hands tightly.

The surrounding area was noisy. It was an atmosphere that couldn't be easily felt in the secluded Arno estate, and various memories of Lahoz came to Bianca's mind. Bianca whispered to Zachary from a distance where their forearms were close enough to brush against each other.

"I remember that time. When it was the tournament... I still vividly remember what you told me back then."

"What did I say?"

"Now call me darling. Soon it will become a relationship worthy of that title..."

Bianca smiled faintly. Even then, it was so tumultuous. Meanwhile, Zachary's whispers clearly remained in Bianca's ears and shook her all day.

"Do you know that I didn't really believe it back then?"

"Did you think it was a joke?"

"You weren't the type to joke back then."

"You say that as if I don't do it now."

"Not now, of course. You always tease me."

Bianca lightly tapped Zachary on the side. She only poked him with her finger, but Zachary reacted exaggeratedly as if he had been stabbed with a knife. It was a frivolous attitude that would scare those who knew Zachary. Fortunately, everyone was dancing, so no one saw the solemn war hero acting cute in front of his wife.

"You're doing it again."


"You're deliberately making a fuss. Even if you were stabbed with a razor, you would be calmer than this."

"Rather, being stabbed by a finger hurts more than being stabbed by a knife."

"Did this hurt? This? Seriously?"

Bianca continued poking Zachary on the side, but Zachary only smiled silently. Rather, Bianca's finger began to hurt, and she had no choice but to give up. She had momentarily forgotten how tough his muscles were.

The pace quickened. Guided by Zachary's hand, Bianca also took a step forward with light steps. Their bodies spun and moved from one spot to another.

Joyful applause resounded from all around. Bianca and Zachary looked into each other's eyes and fell into their own world.

Bianca, who had been breathless during the fast-paced steps, didn't speak until the slow rhythm of the song returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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