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That was Bianca's conclusion. Even if she had to endure the pain of losing him twice, she vowed not to succumb helplessly to reality.

Wolves don't eat the meat given to them by humans, even if they are thin from hunger. A sentinel and wild pride make them rise.

People have always thought of Bianca as a fox.

With a delicate and sensitive nature, she shook Zachary from top to bottom. All she did was convince Zachary to get what he wanted...

That was the same evaluation even after she assumed her duties as a countess and revealed herself as a saint.

But she was the wife of a wolf.

The wife of a wolf is also a she-wolf.

Did she become a wolf by supporting her husband to protect Arno, or was she a wolf that snuggled up from the beginning? In the midst of everyone's confusion, Bianca continued speaking.

"The life or death of the Count is unclear, but we have the next Count Arno.

The next Count Arno!"

Everyone knew what that meant.

Everyone's eyes changed at the existence of a new life that could become a successor. In the midst of dark clouds, a ray of hope descended.

Bianca noticed the people's will in the territory shifting. The thin fingers holding the skin tightened. She had to make a final statement. Bianca took a breath. The dry smell of the winter wind penetrated her nostrils.

Bianca leaned forward and braced herself against the railing. So that everyone in the territory could see the despair on her face.

She shouted as loud as she could, drawing strength from the depths of her lungs.

"So, raise your swords for Arno! Pick up your bows! No matter if it's a rock! As long as you have strength in your hands, take everything you can and defeat them!"


Bianca's desperation ignited them once more. In response to Bianca's will, everyone raised their hands to the sky and shouted. The cry was so loud it gave her goosebumps.

Just as Bianca had made a decision, the servants also made a decision. It wasn't just the fear of defeat that shook them with Zachary's death.

Now that the master is gone, the reality is that no matter how hard they fight, they had no reason to continue this war!

They needed a focal point, a symbol...

And Bianca provided that justification. For the next Arno and for their future.

The Arno territory didn't give up.


So the war extended to a long-term one. Vincent, who counted the food reserves, gave the positive news that they could still survive for another three months.

The servants were also filled with enthusiasm. Everyone got to work.

Rather, it was Jacob's side that was annoyed. No matter how long he waited, the Arno territory showed no intention of surrendering, so he felt frustrated.

When your head is confused, your hands and feet are too. Jacob made repeated mistakes because his hands and feet didn't move correctly.

That didn't mean Arno would win. It was literally like a taut rope, or a balance that barely held. If even a small weight were lifted on this side, the balance would soon be disturbed.

Both Jacob and Arno tried to put their own weights. He sent messengers to everyone who could be attracted as reinforcements. However, as everyone went out to support the war on the border, there was hardly any positive response.

A Marriage of convenience PART II [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now