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Jacob's face, which hadn't wavered even when Gautier's murder was revealed, was then filled with astonishment. How the hell? With a pale complexion, he murmured unconsciously.

In the letter that Zachary received from Princess Odelli, there was written evidence of what Jacob had done. As soon as Princess Odelli received the letter from Bianca, she stormed Jacob's residence and the interior of the Sevran palace.

She found the assassin Jacob had planted to kill Prince Albert, took testimony, and even found secret letters about his association with Aragon. Thanks to Bianca's details about Jacob's whereabouts, she helped narrow down the scope of their search.

She persuaded the king with her findings as evidence.

The king was also dismayed by the case of Jacob murdering a member of the family.

After Gautier's death, the weakened king couldn't rise from his bed at all.

But isn't he the only son left? At first, he tried to end it with a moderate amount of exile.

But cooperation with Aragon was a serious matter that couldn't be compared to the murder of a family member. The king was finally forced to make the decision to strip Jacob of his royal title.

"...For the following reasons, the agent of Victor de Sevran, Odelli de Sevran, will admit the sinner's guilt and strip him of his royal status."

"Nonsense! It's a forged document..."

Jacob shouted loudly. The content of the letter was enough to damn him to hell.

Once deprived of his royal status, Jacob was simply a noble, no, he had no territories or titles, so he was nothing more than an ordinary knight. In that case, the invasion of Arno's territory could also be dealt with under the Nobility Law.

It is customary to negotiate if there is a territory and a bail can be provided, but depending on the circumstances, this may not be necessary. Since Jacob had no assets, his disposition was completely in the hands of Zachary and Bianca.

"The king's seal is engraved. Are you truly disrespecting the king's honor by doubting it?"

"Odelli is the king's agent? That girl? What did that woman do?!"

Jacob couldn't believe it. Among other things, it was because the letter was written by his sister Odelli, not by his father, Victor de Sevran, the king of Sevran.

Jacob's face crumbled with frustration. Just for a woman like her, he...

Zachary stared at Jacob. With indifferent eyes, as if it were the buzzing of an insect, he blatantly ignored Jacob's argument as useless and meaningless resistance.

No matter how unbelievable it was for Jacob, it was an irrevocable fact that Odelli was his agent. The king allowed it, and it was legal due to her lineage.

Furthermore, all the nobles from the Second Prince's faction who could oppose Odelli participated in this war. Thanks to that, Odelli was able to act as a representative without much fuss.

Jacob's mistake was underestimating Odelli.

While assigning an assassin to young Albert, he didn't even keep an eye on Odelli, so she left the castle comfortably. What he thought was just a woman, an immature princess enjoying luxury with the king's money, returned as a dagger.

Just as Jacob denied reality, Bianca stepped forward and said:

"You have no right to say that, Prince. No, Jacob."


Jacob's face suddenly turned pale. As if his despair had been a lie, he rolled his eyes and smiled at Bianca.

A Marriage of convenience PART II [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now