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As Bianca couldn't take her eyes off the fabric, Catherine's face grew so hot that it was hard to notice the difference with her red hair. Catherine intertwined her fingertips, whispering softly.

"I'm sure it will be a beautiful baby that resembles Bianca."

"It could resemble my husband."

"I think it would be better to resemble the duke. I'm envious. I'm also trying to have children..."

Catherine's shoulders slumped.

Catherine had been married for fewer years than Bianca, but the time of her annexation was much earlier. Moreover, she had never used contraceptives before, so she should have gotten pregnant earlier, but the heavens weren't always fair.

"My husband says it's okay because there's no rush for a successor, but... It's not about having a successor. I just want to give birth to my husband's child..."

"It will happen soon, Catherine. You will be a good mother, and for those who are prepared, the answers will always come from the heavens."

"Thank you, Bianca."

Touched by Bianca's sincere comfort, Catherine took her hand.

Like Catherine, she had been spinning around until now because she didn't have close friends, so she was very happy to have a friend with whom she could openly share her concerns.

And it was the same with Bianca. Bianca in the past was more familiar with envy, jealousy, and disdain. So she turned a deaf ear and acted more arrogantly. As if she couldn't hurt herself no matter how much she fought.

As such, she was moved to receive such pure blessing. It was a peaceful everyday happiness that she had never felt before.

That's right. Now that she thought about it... Bianca then remembered the advice she had given to Catherine. She forgot for a moment as she focused on the story. Bianca added, as an experienced person, with the utmost sincerity.

"And, by the way, now I'm fine, I act like I don't care, but when Catherine gets pregnant, the Count of Davoville will definitely want to carry you everywhere."

"What? No way."

Catherine asked in surprise. A look of disbelief dripped from her round eyes. Bianca looked at Catherine with pity.

If Catherine became pregnant, Bianca could be sure that the Count of Davoville would be no less than Zachary.

And that would be too much.


After the war, not only Sevran and Arno were optimistic. The Vatican also rejoiced in celebrating the victory of the Order of the Paladins.

Not only that. The ordination of Archbishop Francis as cardinal, which had been delayed due to extreme circumstances, also took place.

After Francis's ordination, a council of cardinals was held. All the cardinals delivered a congratulatory message to Francis.

"Hahaha. I'm relieved now. It was a close call. If only I had noticed the existence of the Saint a little later..."

"That's right. Archbishop Francis, no. Now you are a cardinal. Cardinal Francis has done a great job."

The title of Archbishop, which was unconsciously blurted out, was intentional.

Not everyone was in favor of Francis. One of them was Cardinal John, Marceau's father, who had made Marceau support Zachary.

It was good to have Marceau support Zachary. How happy did he feel when he found out that he arrived before the Paladins?

If Francis had any merit in discovering the Saint, John intended to do a great job to fulfill God's will. Using his son Marceau!

A Marriage of convenience PART II [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now