Plan save Ben!

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We get off the Jet in Parra-Val everyone is looking at us and whispering. I go straight into the castle followed by Henry and Thomas. One room in the castle is kind of like a lab, In the middle of the room is a round table with chairs surrounding it. There's a seat for the queen and her team. On every wall in the room there is a whole lot of high-tech comptometers. The table has a hologram of earth on it at the moment the hologram is zoomed into Parra-Val. Thomas and Henry take as seat as we wait for Klaus. I stand there arms crossed waiting. Klaus storms into the room followed by 2 Guards the Guards take their places outside of the door.

Klaus- "I have been informed that you need my help. What can I do for you Thena?"

"Ben has been kidnaped! I know your not an elemental but you can do magic, my magic isn't strong enough I need you to do a locater spell to find Ben!"

Klaus- "Your not going after Ben! His job is to protect you, not the other way around! Even if I would let you go after him you don't need a locater spell!"

"What are you talking about? What do you mean I don't need the spell?"

Klaus- "He has a tracker in his arm!"

"You put a tracker in his arm with out permission! How dare you! You could have just asked him, he would have done it of his own free will if you told him!"

Klaus- "The tracker is necessary! There is only 2 Guardians left Ben and Adam, they need to be tracked at all times for theirs, and our safety!"

"Get Ben's tracker up now!"

Klaus- "NO! You are not going after Ben!"

"Get his tracker up now or I will walk out of the door and NEVER come back to Parr-Val!"

Klaus gets Ben's tracker up a small blinking dot appears on the hologram. I take a close look at where Ben is, he in a warehouse. I see something that looks familiar on the hologram. I room into the warehouse to see that it is right next to the bunker.

"Luckily I have been to busy to go to the bunker or Helena would know my secret! Ok now we know where he is Lets go Get him!"

Thomas- Wait Ren we need a plan we cant just march in there that's how we get killed!"

"So what you do suppose we do then? Sit around here talking as Ben could be about to die right this second!?"

Thomas- "Ren just sit down for a moment and think. If we go in there without a plan she could kill Ben!"

I walk over to the table and plop down onto one of the seats, I cover my face with my hands to try and hid how stressed out I am.

Klaus- "Look at you naturally going to sit in the queens chair!"

"Don't start with me Klaus! So what are we going to do?"

Henry- "I have an idea! There is 4 entrances if we each take one and make our way inside we could do a surprise attack, attack her from every side she wont see that coming and who ever gets inside closes to Ben can get him out as the other 3 distract her."

"Lets do it, Plan save Ben! Everyone grab an ear peace off of that table, This is how we will communicate when we are at the warehouse. Lets get on the Jet now!"

They all get on the Jet, everyone sits down I transform into my suit and fly to the warehouse as fast as I can. I land outside of the warehouse. I hide behind a tree and scope out the place to see if there is any cameras but I don't see any. I make my way over to the bunker and I see the jet land. The boys get off the Jet outside of the bunker as its almost next to the warehouse.

"I looked at the place and didn't see any cameras so we should be fine. Thomas and Klaus you guys go to the front entrances Henry you go to the back left I'll go to the back right. Ear peace's on!"

We all sneak round to our positions.

"I'm in place!"

Henry- "I'm in place!"

Klaus- "So am I"

Thomas- "........"

"Thomas where are you?"

Thomas doesn't reply.

Klaus- "I will go and see what has happened to him maybe his ear pice is broken!......... Thomas is not here he's gone!....... OUCH!"


Klaus goes completely silent.

"Henry I think this is a trap!"

Henry doesn't say anything thing. I try turning my communicator off then on again but that doesn't help. I sense something behind me but before I have time to move 'BANG!' Something hits me around the head. Everything goes dark.

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