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It's been 3 days since I found out about Parra-Val! I'm trying to to live my life like it was before. I go to work. I unlock the main door, I turn all of the lights on. I set up all of the ovens and the mixers, I restock all of the ingrediencies so everything will be fresh. Holly arrives 45 minuets after me. Holly clocks in, starts baking and works all day. Josh arrives at the cafe at 9:30. I spend my whole day at work! I open the bar before I leave and the night workers come along Taz and Anna, I don't really know them but I know they are hard workers. To go to Parra-Val at night and sit with Neffy till she falls asleep then I go home. I did the same thing the next day feeling so disconnected. Nothing feels right anymore I have to work and run a business whiles Neffy could die at any monument. I wish it wasn't happening does that make me a selfish bad person to say that I just don't want to feel like this, like I was given something that I know is going to be taken away? The truth is I think that if Klaus came and got me after she died I would hate him forever for not giving me the chance to say goodbye, but now that I have the chance to say a real goodbye I feel like my heart is going to be ripped out. I had gotten over the fact the Neffy and Klaus had died but now I'm going to have to miss her and morn her all over again so will Thomas. Thomas gets his best friend back for what? Like a month maybe 2. Image what that must feel like it's like if I got Avery back but just for 1 day. If your going to give her back that's then take her that's worse then never getting her back at all. Today I'm just sat on my sofa staring at a blank Tv screen like it magically going to switch on, I have magic but I'm pretty sure there isn't a spell for that I look over at the clock to see that it's all ready 9:30.

"SHIT! I'm late!"

I rush to work as fast as I can to see that Holly has opened up the cafe for me.

Holly- "Are you ok Ren you've been a bit off since you got back?"

"I'm fine I just haven't got much sleep latley. I'll be fine soon."

I get behind the counter and start waiting for some customs. It's a Saturday morning so not many people will be coming into the cafe till later. I stand there for most of the day staring at the wall. Holly keeps looking over at me I can see she has something to say but every time she goes to speak she stops herself.

A youngish lady, she can't be older then 24 walks into the cafe. She orders some food from Holly and sits down. There's something about her, a weird vibe. She finishes eating, she walks over to the counter to pay.

"That will be $12.85 please."

The lady grabs my arm and starts chanting some old witchy spell before letting go of my arm.

"Nice try! That will be $12.85!"

The lady- "That didn't work on you?"

I grab the lady's arm and look into her eyes.

"Tell me who and what you are!"

Helena- "My name is Helena! I am a witch!..... How did you do that?"

"I'm clever! Now will you please just pay for your food."

Helena- "Oh yeah! What time do you get off work? Do you want to hang out? I've never ment someone like me before."

Helena hands me the money for her food. I stand there about to tell her that I can't hang out later but before I know it I blurted out.

"I get off at 4pm today. What were you thinking about doing?"

Helena- "There's this club down town very exclusive we could go magic it up."

"Sounds fun let me get my jacket. Holly could you lock up for me today? Thanks."

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