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I wake up at a ridicules early time everyday. I get up have a shower, get dressed. Then I head to the kitchen to make us all breakfast whiles practicing my culinary skills. I run around the kitchen 'like a headless chicken' according to Thomas that's what I look like when I'm baking. I place a batch of Chocolate chip cupcakes into the oven. Waiting is always the most boring part about baking, I make my way over to the over side of the kitchen and turn on the radio. I stand there for a moment head bopping before I break out into full song and dance, now I really do look like a head less chicken. Ben silently creeps into the room, he takes a seat at the counter watching me dance. As I'm still dancing around I have no idea that Ben is in the room, I do a little spin, I scream in shock seeing Ben just sat there watching me.

"BEN! You scared me!"

Ben sits there laughing at me, Ben- "I'm sorry, was I to quiet for you. You should have known someone was there, its instinct."

I narrow my eyes and glair at him.

"Ok you need to start wearing a Bell around your neck!"

Ben- "No I don't. You just can't be distracted"

DING! The timer for the cupcakes starts going off. I rush over to the oven in excitement. I think these cupcakes are going to be my best YET! I open the oven and slide out the tray, they look perfect. I just hope they taste as good as they look. We wait for the cupcakes to cool down a little bit before I hand one to Ben. Ben takes a bite I wait in anticipation for his reaction. Ben's eyes light up.

Ben- "WOW! theses are just, WOW! Marry Me!"

"REALLY? There that good?"

Ben- "Ren, this is honestly the best thing I have ever tasted!"

I scream with excitement and joy before runing up to Ben and pull him into a tight hug. Ben gently kisses me. I look over Ben's shoulder to see the clock on the wall. Crap its 9:30.

"I have go to work. I'll see you later."

I start to run out of the house. Ben shouts out to me.

Ben- "Have a nice day. I love you!"

I turn back to Ben, smiling and waving to him right before I leave. I head outside and put my helmet on before I hope onto my brand new black motorcycle and head to work.

 I head outside and put my helmet on before I hope onto my brand new black motorcycle and head to work

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I get to the cafe just intime for work, I park my bike in my spot and head inside. Mac is the owners 3 Year old son, he sits in one of the booths colouring most days. I head into the back to hang up my (fake) leather jacket and I clock in. I make my way back to the front of the cafe.

"Good morning Mac."

Mac doesn't speak much but I still say good morning to him every day. He gets up from his seat, he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist I return his hug before he goes back to his seat. He is such a sweet kid. Hannah walks out from the Bar exstention of the cafe. Hannah comes strait over to me with a serous look on her face.

Hannah- "Ren we need to talk."

"Is everything ok?"

Hannah- "Yes everything is great archerly, I just wanted to let you know that I'm giving away the cafe and the Bar."

"WHAT? But you can't. You love owning the cafe."

I'm in complete shock Hannah has owned the cafe for 5 years. She loves it here why would she give it away?

Hannah- "I want to help people that are like you Ren!"

"An Alien?" 

Hannah- "A foster child, I'm getting trained to be a social worker and I won't have anytime to run the cafe and work and do the training."

"That's so sweet of you. I know you will do such a good job helping people.... Wait Will I still have a job?"

Hannah- "Well that depends on if you accept owner ship or not."

"OH Ok...... Wait WHAT? ME? You want to give me the cafe and the Bar? Hannah I have no idea what to say!"

Hannah- "Say YES!"

"OK... YES!" 

Hannah Heads to the back room to get all of the papers for me to sign. Im buzzing with excitement. I already know how to run the place as she has been training for for a years. I cant believe I'm going to own this place. The cafe holds so many memories for me and now it gets to be mine. Hannah comes back with all of the papers I thoroughly read though all of them before I sign them. Once all of the papers where completely filled out I get on my bike and ride homes as fast as I can. I have to tell Ben! I run into the living to to see Ben designing a new type of wind turbine. He jumps up from the sofa when he see's me.

Ben- "Ren what's wrong is everything ok?"

"Everything is amazing!..... Hannah just gave me the cafe and Bar!"

In a surprised tone, Ben- "OH MY, Ren I'm so happy for you"

Ben kisses me, we call everyone (Thomas and Henry) into a meeting and tell them the good new everyone is so happy for me. We spend the rest of the day celebrating the fact I now own a business. I still cant believe it and I was there when it happened.

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