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I wake up to the smell of something burning. I rush into the kitchen, Ben is try to make some toast.

"What are you doing?"

An ear-piercing siren starts screeching around the whole house, Ben grabs a tea towel and starts fanning the smock alarm.

Ben shouting over the siren, Ben- "I was TRYING to make you breakfast in bed to help make you feel a little bit better. I believe that I have just found out that cooking is not on of my powers!"

Ben's able to get the siren to stop. I let out a little giggle before I start smiling.

"Thank you ben, it was really sweet of you to try! I was just wondering if you would come to work with me today?"

Ben- "ERR Yeah sure, Want me to scare your Father away if he comes to the cafe today?"

"No, I'm going to take Thomas's advice, I'm going to talk to him. Please DON'T call him my Father cus he isn't, He's just apart of my DNA that doesn't make him my Father."

Ben- "Ok, are you sure you want to do this?"

"No but I have to know the truth. My life is finally starting to come together and be happy, I don't want anything to change that. However he might be the only person that can help me get clarity to know why he hasn't come to see me sooner."

Ben give me a reinsuring look to tell me he thinks I'm doing the right thing. We clean up all of the burnt toast and head to work.

I unlock the main door and turn all of the lights on. Ben takes a seat at on of the booths facing the main door. I set up all of the ovens and the mixers. Holly arrives 45 minuets after I do. Holly clocks in and starts baking what we will need for the day. Josh arrives at the cafe at 9:30. I make my way over to the door, I flip the closed sign to open. I head over to the counter and wait for some customers. As it's Tuesday morning we have a few customers, most people just want coffee and cookies before they have to go to work today.

During the lunch time rush Hannah walks into the cafe.

In completely happy shocked tone- "Hannah! What are you doing here!"

Hannah- "I just decided to pop in and see how your doing now that the cafe is yours!"

"The cafe is doing great, Thank you for checking in."

Hannah- "Ren what's wrong?"

"Could I talk to you in privet for a minute?"

Hannah- "Yeah of cores you can!"

"Josh could you work the counter please!"

We head over to the table in the far right its the most quiet place in the cafe. We take a seat across from each other. I take a deep beath and try to think about how I'm going to tell her what happened.

Hannah- "So what's up?"

"Ummm well you know that I'm not from this planet."

Hannah- "'Yeah I know. Wait did someone from the government find out!?"

"What NO! Remember what I told you about my Mother and Father. Well it turns out that Klaus is alive here on earth, he came here yesterday and tried to talk to me."

Hannah- "WoW! Do you know what you are going to do about it? Remember you own him nothing!"

"I know that! I'm going to hear him out, I want to know."

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