Trolley Problem

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The Agency members remaining are dull and tired as the helicopter flies to two separate safe houses. We arrive at the last, and I skip with them to the vaulted entrance, but Chuuya stops me, much to my grumbling displeasure. With his gloved hand pushing my shoulder around, he guides me elsewhere.

"None of what's going on in there is your business." I itch with curiosity to know what they'd discuss as I see Mori walk down the steps, whining, "Chuuya...! It so is my business. They're my buddies! I didn't even say goodbye to my others!" Seeing as I'd stopped moving despite how much force he was dragging me with, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, ignoring my yelp, "I don't care. You've got better things to do than hang around with sorry losers."

I grin, pretending to be flattered, "You mean you think I'm above them? My, what a nice thing to say!" He clicks his tongue, "Shut it – I never implied anything. We're going to train that shitty ability of yours so you can at least be useful while I house you."

"You're not implying what I think you are, right?" I nudge him with my elbow, recalling Ranpo's words. Chuuya glances up at me, then back ahead, "Of course I am. You've laid everything before you, but you're refusing to tie it all up? Or are you just too scared to make conclusions on your own without shitty Dazai pointing you in obvious directions?" That hit a little close to home, and I exaggerate my hurt, "So cruel...!"

He doesn't entertain my pained expression, looking straight ahead calmly. He appears to take training me seriously – very seriously. "No, it's reality. You've become too reliant on that bastard when you're enough to be independent. That will start with your ability." His words were strangely... encouraging.

I squint at Chuuya, watching as the space we move to in the safe house becomes more open. It's used for storage, as there are racks of food and other goods, but the cement walls and floor blend as you reach the end, a decent amount of space to fit a caravan in the back of the storeroom. Light comes in from a buzzing fluorescent lamp and the slits of the ventilation gaps of the underground space. Even so, it's dull and dusty.

Quietly muttering complaints, I watch him walk into the space, then cross his arms and turn to face me, "How do I even train it...?" He grins, "Try to kill me." I blink rapidly, cocking my head to the side, "Uhm..." Chuuya rolls his eyes, "Stop pretending to be useless, you lazy piece of shit. How did you kill that guy before? The reports said it was of a heart attack."

I recall the moment, the adrenaline leading up to it, and the moment my ability activated without my control. I'd pictured the guy's fate and sped it up to the present.

I try doing the same for Chuuya, but it's impossible. Not that nothing was coming up, but that there was too much. Sighing, I lean on one foot, "It's no good. You're too awesome." Chuckling, he shakes his head, "You're Fortuna. Don't be such a wuss."

"Ugh!" I complain as I put effort into the task, trying to think of the solution. Perhaps I hadn't pictured what was set in stone, but maybe... I'd decided for him. "Ding! ...Ooh! That changes everything!" I hop forward towards him, tapping my chin and looking him over, "Are you sure you wanna die?" His faith in my incompetence wavers, and his left eye twitches.

There's quiet as he stares at me, contemplating how serious I am going to take this, and he sighs, rubbing a gloved hand across his face, "...I'll be a sec. Stay put."

Chuuya returns not long after, a guy meekly following after him in heavy cuffs and chains, "Someone that tried to get into the safe house and was caught. You can try on him." The man is middle-aged with greying, greasy hair. With a flimsy body and pale complexion, I can only assume he's on his way out anyway. He's visibly trembling in his thin, bloodied clothes, covered in bruises. Chuuya forces the stranger to stand in the middle of the space. "W...Wh-what's going on...? What are you try...trying...?"

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