An Alliance From the Past

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Upon arriving at the dorm after being given Yosano's sadistic treatment, I immediately collapse onto mine and Osamu's futon, watching him as he busies himself with the arm in his cast.

He wraps up a device, places something of a button inside of his coat pocket as it hangs from our door, and then sighs. "I'm not looking forward to this," Osamu sulks out the words, and I quietly laugh, "How long has it been...?" I think, counting the years, "Since his death..."

"It'll be over four by now, [Y/N]. You're not getting bored, are you?" Osamu's smile is somehow glum despite his teasing tone, and I let out an involuntary breath – It's heavy, and with it comes the realisation of my feelings that I'd been neglecting recently. "I wouldn't say bored, per se... tired." My mumbling barely makes it past my ears, but Osamu nods in understanding, "It's insufferable, isn't it?" I smile bitterly, "But I'm guessing you'd rather be around the Agency. Cooperating with those old faces will be..."

"It's chibi that I'm specifically dreading. The annoying slug will probably make an argument out of it." I giggle tiredly, "He seems alright compared to most of 'em." Osamu gasps in offence and argues a million trivial reasons to believe otherwise. I smile at him, then look out the window. I see a single star that makes its way past the light pollution in our small window.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

"I don't feel like working..." I give a firm hum of agreement, sitting across from Osamu as he lies on the couch. I groan, "I just want to rot into the earth..." Kunikida sternly glares down at us both, having brought up the subject of work, "Stop sounding like a broken trumpet first thing in the morning."

"I don't even feel like conversing right now...Okay, Kuni...whatever...?" My feet heavily thump on the coffee table, and I glare back at the man, "Yeah. Go away." My head still hurts from falling from grand heights and somehow surviving via a thorny bush.

"I'm gonna toss you both out with the non-burnable trash." Osamy drags his bag of today's lunch from the side of the couch, his hand almost falling limp with lethargy, "Ugh...even eating is a chore. A pity I can't fill my stomach just by breathing."

I dive into the bag, retrieving a banana for us both. Osamu doesn't even grab it from me or bother to peel it, chewing on it while I hold it. I grumble, peeling my own with my teeth. Kunikida tuts, "If you can't even be bothered to peel a banana, just starve already." Osamu pours a juice carton over his face, missing his mouth and dribbling down his chin. I pat his face dry as he deliriously giggles.

"The city was saved from annihilation thanks to you, and Atsushi. And we had dire information about the emergency plan thanks to you, [Y/N]. So why have you ended up like this the next day?" Osamu faces away from the man. Well, presses his face against the leather of the couch, "The boss has me lined up for this new job... If only I could sleep like a withered tree."

"Then you'd be burnable trash... Speaking of, is it what Atsushi and the boss were discussing yesterday?"

"It is." The President stands at the partition entrance we lay in, and Osamu sits up in his presence. I quickly sit beside him like the clingy annoyance I am, then give the President a wave. Kunikida straightens his posture, "Good morning."

"Dazai, are we progressing on our secret meeting with the Port Mafia? Have you scouted out a spot?" Kunikida blanks, and I huff out an amused breath, leaning on Osamu's shoulder. "I've made arrangements, but..."

"Do you think the Port Mafia boss will be here?"

"I'm sure." Osamu hardens his stare, "It's a perfect opportunity to kill our boss, after all." The President begins to walk away, "That is preferable to having bloodshed among our members." Osamu returns to sulking on his palm, and I return to my game – The sound of a digital door opening into the loading screen fills the silence.

To conduct the singing misfortune [Dazai and Reader]Where stories live. Discover now