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Ranpo leaves the Agency office with Poe behind, his meek posture shrinking beside the shorter man's confidence. Once they're gone, I rummage through his desk drawer, digging out a lollipop.

My brother hums out a giggle, turning in his swivel chair and spinning, "This is bliss... There's so much free will and too little to do with it." With Kunikida under arrest for suspicion of killing those kids, we were free of scolding, and we couldn't be taking advantage of it more. I unwrap my lolly with my teeth, gnawing on it and leaning back in my seat beside Osamu, "Kunikida's gonna be back in a few hours... We should make a run for it."

"Good point." With an infectious grin, Osamu stands from his chair, letting it spin slowly to a stop, reaching to tug on my collar for me to join him. I follow his beckoning, holding his sleeve, rubbing my thumb over the fabric, "Where are we going?" He taps his chin, looking off to the side, before pointing up with his index finger, "Aha! A genius move! Let's go home!"

The dramatic lead-up made the answer underwhelming, but I shrugged, biting the last of the hard candy from the lolly and putting the stick in the bin on the way out, "Sounds good."

Our walk there is slow and gradual, and I enjoy my bother's humming. Osamu seems to be taking everything in a little more than usual, giggling at things in the windows, recoiling from dogs on leashes, pointing out potential suicide hotspots. I don't bother to remove my hand from his sleeve to see any change in fortune that might have sparked this love of the moment. I don't want to leave the moment either.

"Ooh! I've always wanted to bet on horses." I giggle, "What are you, 50?" Huffing, he pulls at his bottom lips, reading over the information on the article he saw in the window, "Suit yourself, spoilsport. My days of gambling start tomorrow!"

I tug his sleeve away from the print, grinning, "You should pay your tab first." He ruffled my hair, putting on a voice as if he was giving sage advice, "Live life like there's no tomorrow! That's what I say! And if there's no tomorrow, there's no tab, either." His fingers weave through my hair, and his other hand discreetly goes into my coat pocket. I don't mention it as he slides my phone out, pretending to be oblivious for his sake. "I don't think that's how money works."

"Sure it is."

The walk ends, returning to our dorms, and we climb the metal stairway. I eagerly wait for Osamu to catch up with him to unlock the door, bouncing in place. He giggles, letting me go in first, and I skip out of my shoes and to the kotatsu, turning on the TV and taking off my coat.

Osamu busies himself with going to the bathroom, presumably doing whatever he wants with my phone, and returns soon after. We sat across from each other, sharing a bowl of snacks and making small comments on whatever was on the TV, otherwise enjoying the bliss of ignorance.

"...Oh!" Osamu sits up straight suddenly, and I glance at him, "Yeah?" His realisation turns to boyish excitement, "I got you a little gift this morning. A little to-go order."

I squint my eyes, "You're being strangely generous, Osamu. What's going on?" He chuckles at my suspicion, pulling a paper bag from his pocket, "Behold!" His giddiness calms into a mellow, warm smile, and he gives me the bag, "You've done very well, [Y/N]. Your father would be proud."

I'm slightly surprised, taking the bag and opening it. A little cupcake decorated with a printed sugar paper topping. "My... birthday?" Osamu nods like an excited child, "Mhm! You don't have one, so we use New Year, but I was kinda bored. So, because your big brother is so great, I have made today your birthday!" He claps his hands at me, whistling in congratulation. I'm quiet and unsure how to respond, "But December was two months ago." He pouts, leaning on his palm, "And? Time barely exists." A smile lights up my expression, and I hand him half, "So I have two birthdays? I can usually understand your silly little games somewhat, but I'm at a complete loss. All this just because we won against the rats?"

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