The Ideal Woman II

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I pout at Osamu from across the kotatsu, folded arms keeping my book flat against the table. It was something Osamu had gotten me when he bought the suicide guide – A book written for children dealing with grief. It was an understandable gift, considering my delayed reaction to everything and no way to explain how I felt. It was for kids, so it put things into words in the most basic terms, which I felt Osamu could probably also benefit from. He doesn't speak much about Sakunosuke, either. The book wasn't the thing causing my mood, though.

Osamu had allowed Sasaki to stay with us for the night as she had nowhere to go. It was a very kind gesture but annoying for my anxiety-riddled mind.

"Aww, come on, [Y/N]. It's only for a night," Osamu took a bite out of his burnt toast and continued with a full mouth, "Beshides, she's completely harmlessh, and eben if she was plotting your death, she'd be no match againsht that epic ability of yoursh!"

My glare remained fixed on him. I knew all of that to be true. Even so, it wasn't the threat of a stranger I didn't like. "I don't like talking to new people. I've done that too much over the last few days – I'm exhausted." Osamu chuckled, no doubt feeling a similar way, "I know. I was fourteen once, too, y'know? From your height, the world looks so scary." With a baby voice, he wriggled his fingers in my face. "I'm not that short."

I tense up, sensing the presence in the other room move. Osamu takes that as a sign to peer over his shoulder with a polite smile as thin fingers curl around the door and open it to reveal Sasaki, "Thank you again, both of you. It's admirable to share your home with someone you've just met."

Osamu nods, inviting her to the table, "Of course. I couldn't put you in some random hotel – It's safest this way. Sit with us – Sorry it's so cramped, these Agency dorms are a tight fit. I'm making [Y/N] food if you'd like some?" He stands, strolling to our small kitchen and taking a microwave meal from the freezer. "Ah, no, but thank you. I ate on the way here."

Sasaki's smile is so gentle and fragile that I think all it would take to make her cry would be squashing a fly. Her gaunt limbs fold under her as she sits near me. Her eyes catch my book, "A children's book? I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?" Her tone was as peaceful as her smile, so much so that I didn't consider the question offensive until I thought her words again later, "I'm fourteen," I closed the book, putting it on the floor as I realised it was awkward to have out.

Osamu chuckles, "[Y/N] can barely read." I turn red, shaking my head, "He's lying!" Sasaki giggles, a hand over her mouth. It was a cute gesture that distracted me from my embarrassment. What's she playing at?

"You're a charming pair of siblings, I must say. I grew up an only child, so I'm rather envious." Osamu hums pleasantly at the compliment, "Yes, we really are the perfect suicide pairing – Oh, it will be so cute! I can see the funeral in my mind's eye!" Sasaki is visibly put off, eyes wide, "Huh? Suicide?" I smile, but it stretches into a yawn, "There's nothing much to envy. He's a pain." Osamu acts offended, mixing my food around before placing it back in the microwave, "How awful of you to say! If I'm that annoying, your always welcome to sleep outside, [Y/N]." I roll my eyes, "Yeah, right."

"You mentioned double suicide? ...Are you in a cult?" Sasaki hadn't moved on, eyes worryingly prying at me with a hand on the table. I take the plate from Osamu and shake my head as he sits back down at the table, "Don't worry about it." My brother's giggle makes it seem like an inside joke, so she leaves it behind.

"Ah, it's just reached midnight. A much later night than usual, eh, Miss Sasaki?" Osamu started up the conversation again, opening his phone. The woman nods, "These past few days haven't been very regular for me, really. I'm beginning to miss work." She laughs at her ironic comment, and my brother joins, "I can only imagine. Well, once this little nightmare has finished her food, I think it's safe to say we've all earned a good night's rest." Osamu pokes my cheek repeatedly. Sasaki hums, "Indeed."

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