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I sat in my car outside Ivy's house, hesitating to go in. Suddenly, the door swung open and my dad emerged, his presence sending my heart plummeting into my stomach. 

My heart raced as memories flooded back - he abandoned me after mom's death, never around despite our wealth and luxury, consumed by his mafia dealings. Shaking, I almost stepped out, but froze. My dad's men ushered him into a black car, tinted windows hiding him. Enraged, I leapt out and pounded on Ivy's door. 

"Leia," she said hesitantly, as I fumed. "Why the hell did I just see my father leave from here?" I yelled, my fist clenched. 

"Let me explain," she pleaded, stepping aside. "No, just tell me what the f*ck is going on!" I snarled, slamming my fist into the door. "Leia, calm down im trying too." Ivy yells back at me, trying to place a soothing hand on me, but I shrug her off. "Don't touch me."

I push past her into the house needing answers, my anger and confusion simmering. "Tell me why you're in contact with my dad," I demand, trying to keep my voice even.

"He was looking for you," Ivy explains, her eyes darting around the room. "I didn't know where you were either, and I don't know why he was searching. But he came to me, saying he wanted to speak to 'his daughter'. I told him I haven't seen you."

I process this, my mind racing with questions. "And why didn't you try to help me escape?" I ask, my voice tinged with hurt.

 "I didn't know how to get you out of there," Ivy admits, her gaze dropping. "And I know you would never do that to me."

"And Im sorry."

I nod, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. My dad, who abandoned me 20 years ago, is suddenly looking for me? He must want something from me. But what?

"Did he mention what he wanted with me?" I ask, with curiosity. "No, all he said was that he was going to find you," Ivy replies, her eyes filled with concern.

"Leia, I care for you. Stop pushing me away," she pleads, but I'm too hurt and confused to listen. "You don't understand, Ives," I say, walking out of the house and into my car. 

The engine roars to life as I speed off in search of my father.

The only place he would be as of right now is our family's mansion, a place that fills me with dread and memories of a traumatic childhood.


I pull into the driveway and step out of the car, my heart racing as I approach the door. One of my father's men opens it for me, his expression stone. "Hello, Ms. Aleiana. Welcome back home." He moves aside, allowing me to enter. 

"Your father has been waiting for you. Right this way, miss."

I feel a sense of unease as I walk through the familiar halls, the horrors of my past flooding back. Was this a setup? Did my father know I would come here?

"Mi hija," my father says, his voice dripping with fake warmth. "It's good to see you after all these years." He approaches me with open arms, a false smile on his face. "What do you want?" I ask softly, backing away from him, my heart racing, tears welling up in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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