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I'm so done with him testing me like I didn't almost take his life multiple times. I shrug it off and focus on my own pleasure. I exit the club and head towards my matte black Rolls Royce , its sleek design accented with subtle hints of blue and purple. I can't help but admire my beautiful car.


Finally, I arrive at my sanctuary, eager to shed the stress of the night. The rain outside creates a soothing melody as I indulge in a PERFECT shower, washing away all the tension and all my worries. I let my long, loose curls fall into a messy bun and slip into a comfortable t-shirt, feeling relaxed. Sitting on my island counter, I scroll through social media while savoring a carton of ice cream. The sweet & creamy flavors provide a satisfying escape. Suddenly, a knock at my door interrupts my serenity. I cautiously approach the entrance, peering through the peephole to find an empty hallway.

Confused, I open the door to find a box on my 'Fuck Off' mat. I retrieve the tiny box left outside, but I'm not naive enough to open it without inspecting it first. In the hallway, I unwrap the note tucked within, my heart skipped a beat as I read the message :

"Surprise doll , meet me at Pluxe tomorrow at 11:00pm , we have something to discuss :)
-J "

What the actual fuck. Pluxe, a high-end nightclub, HIS nightclub. I can't help feeling drawn to the thrill. The uncertainty lingers, fueling my curiosity as I tapped my finger on the card, debating it.

I let out a loud scream as someone popped out from the corner & I quickly threw the box at them with all my force.

"Damn Leia what the hell" the mystery person said but I recognized the voice. "IVY, WHAT THE HELL!" I exclaimed, still catching my breath. "Don't sneak up on me, If I had my gun or knife, you'd be dead babes." panting sitting up straight "No seriously if you do that again, I'll kill you." I state with a blank expression. We both laughed, releasing the tension and headed back into my loft.

As we settled in, I recounted the day's events at my club, including the Joker's behavior. Ivy listened intently, her expression changing from amusement to disbelief. "Andd why didn't you kill him, may I ask?" she exclaimed. "He's tryna f*ck with you Leia. It doesn't even make sense why he would want to meet with you again. It's a trap don't go."

I nodded, still trying to make sense of it all. Ivy offered a possible explanation, her eyes gleaming with mischief . "Orr maybe he's seeking your attention, Lei." she states as she finishes her water.

"Nah, never in a million years would I associate myself with Joker, and plus he got Harley to give him attention. That crazy bitch." I laugh but then went quiet.

Ivy's playful accusation of jealousy followed, her voice rising in a teasing melody. "Sounds like jealousyyy." With a lighthearted laugh, I deflected the suggestion. "Me? Jealous? Of Harley Quinn? I need you to remember who I am," I scoffed, feigning nonchalance. The pillow I threw at her flew through the air right into her face, and we both burst into laughter, our banter ending with a playful gesture. We settled in for a movie. Exhaustion soon took over, and we dozed off on the couch.


I wake up to see ivy left, & it was 1:00pm. I woke up so late. I get up and put on a hoodie , black drawstring shorts & some uggs. Heading out to a nearby cafe for breakfast. I rummaged through my purse for my planner, only to realize I had lost it. Praying I left it at home. Making do, I jotted down notes on my phone while enjoying my meal. I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling of the Joker's invitation, so I decided to focus on planning a heist at Gotham's most prominent bank. I spent the rest of the day shopping, trying to distract myself from the constant thoughts of the Joker's intentions.

Crazy In Love {Joker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now