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(6 months later)


I lounged on the cold floor, toying with a booby pin in my hair, my feet kicking aimlessly in the air. The guard's voice interrupted my boredom. "Sweetness, your dinner's here!" He lobbed a sorry-looking ball of mush into my cell. Every set of eyes in the place remained glued to me, peering in unwelcome judgment. With a dramatic sigh and a bat of my lashes, I rose gracefully. "Ah, thanks ever so much love." I simpered, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "But really, this culinary monstrosity won't cut it." I pouted, throwing the ball of mushy food at him. "Hey!" I cut him off clutching the bars for dramatic effect. "Im bored, play with me."

The guard, unmoved by my charms wiping the food I thew off him, "You're a real handful, you know that? Nine hospitalized guards and counting, sweetheart. You sleep on the ground. Nobody's rushing to play with you anytime soon."

His eyes held a mixture of irritation and amusement. Unfazed and with a sly giggle, I countered, "I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want." I teasingly licked the bars, relishing his growing frustration. But my teasing came at a price, and suddenly I found myself tumbling backwards as an electrical shock coursed through my body.


Fully restrained and gagged, I found myself strapped into a chair, anticipating the impending electrocution. "Since you don't wanna eat sweetness." presenting a cart stocked with an array of flavored formulas - chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. I then noticed there were feeding tubes down my nose as more as I gained consciousness. "Which flavor is your favorite, we have a lot to pick from." My vision blurred and still hazy whilst my ears rung. The formula went through the tubes into my nose forcing me to "eat", I watched helplessly as the guard took a selfie, capturing my unspeakable suffering. My muffled screams fell on deaf ears as my vision darkened.


As the darkness slowly receded, I found myself fully alert, yet still trapped in the cold, unforgiving chair. The nasal tubes had been removed, but a new presence had entered the room the Arkham psychiatrist, Dr. Markus . His piercing gaze met mine, and a faint, sinister smile played on his lips. "Well, well, well...look what we have here," he purred, scrutinizing me with an unnerving intensity. "It seems you've caused quite a commotion in our beloved asylum." The malevolent glint in his eye sent shivers down my rigid spine, and I knew that my stay in Arkham would be filled with unspeakable horrors and mind-shattering torment.

As I struggled to catch my breath and calm my frayed nerves, With a deliberate gesture, he reached out and caressed my cheek, his touch ice-cold and unnerving. "You're going to be such an interesting patient, my dear," he whispered, his voice dripping with malice. "So fiery, so defiant...the perfect subject for my groundbreaking treatments." His fingers trailed down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps as he clutched my wrist, "You won't resist for long," he hissed, a mad gleam dancing in his eyes. And with that promise of impending doom, Dr. Markus set forth on his twisted mission to break my mind .


As I sat there on the cold cell floor, lost in the chaos of my own mind, the sounds around me began to distort and blur. Breathing heavily. Time lost all meaning, seconds and minutes blended together until nothing remained but an endless expanse of madness. And yet, amidst that million of thoughts and voices, one sound in my head going crazy. I trace shapes on the cold ground as my hand twitches. Footsteps echoing down the corridor, drawing steadily closer...and bringing with them a dreadful sense of foreboding. The footsteps halted outside my cell, and a key rattled in the lock. The door swung open with an ominous creak, revealing Dr. Markus standing before me like a dark angel of doom. His eyes gleamed with an unholy light as he beckoned me forth, his voice dripping malice and madness. "Come, you poor thing," He stated. "Your treatment awaits. It's time to peel back the layers of your fractured mind and witness the horrors that lurk within." I felt myself being pulled toward him.

Crazy In Love {Joker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now